My journey to join Dolby

Darren Murph
3 min readMar 13, 2017


The next major chapter in my career has begun: I’ve joined Dolby!

Starting today, I’ll serve as a Director within the Global Communications team.

As I tackle Product PR for Dolby Audio, I’ll dig deep into the science and impact of our core audio and Atmos experiences, which are a key component in home theater, mobile, gaming, and a dizzying array of other areas. I’ll look for ways to make existing applications even more extraordinary, and can’t wait to get a few moonshot discussions going.

If you’re a journalist, an artist, a podcast producer, or someone in a totally different industry that just wants to know more about the science of art and sound, ping me! There’s an energy here that’s downright palpable, and I want as many people as possible to get close and sense it themselves.

As the great Simon Sinek says: “People don’t buy what you do; people buy why you do it.’

I’m joining Dolby because it is an unbelievable opportunity. I say that with no exaggeration. Fewer than 2,500 people in the known universe get to create and inspire within its 100+ laboratories. Fast Company just named Dolby one of the most innovative companies in its space. The R&D capabilities here are mind-blowing.

But the ‘why’ part of this equation is simple: Dolby prioritizes health, respect, empowerment, well-being, and inclusion. When you invest in the wellness of people, the wellness of your company follows.

I had the remarkable luxury of consulting with Dolby for weeks leading up to this, which is how I’m certain this is all more than marketing speak. I’m joining a family that already feels like my own. I’ve seen this Global Communications team congratulate one another, pull for one another, and step outside of their core duties to help one another. The culture that I’ve experienced is second to none, and very hard to replicate.

Dolby goes to great lengths to ensure that its halls are filled with spectacular people (and believe me, spectacular is the norm). My direct leadership team is comprised of world-renowned veterans in the marketing space — folks that I’m now fortunate to be learning from and working alongside of.

It’d be easy to just tie this up right here and now, as these things typically go, but I want to say one more thing.

The default is to see a friend announce a new job, like their status, and mentally move on. But this process has made me keenly aware that no person does anything of merit without a tidal wave of love and support behind them. I have been made better — made stronger — by people behind the scenes.

This process has given me an entirely new level of appreciation for so many things. It has made me more sensitive to the people around me. It has reminded me to strive for kindness, as everyone I meet is fighting a battle I know nothing about.

This journey will be a wonderful one, and I can’t wait to see faces old and new experience what makes Dolby so special.

I’m so excited. My heart is full.

(A special nod to Dana Murph for the lead photograph, and for being the best wife ever.)



Darren Murph

Guinness World Record: planet's most prolific professional blogger. Director, Global Communications @Dolby | Argonaut | (Formerly @Engadget & @WeberShandwick)