Local Partner Testing Program for Tigereum

Darren Olney-Fraser
8 min readMay 23, 2018


1 June — 30 June 2018

This is important information for anyone wanting to participate in our Local Partner Testing Program. It provides background about our Community. It provides details about what Local Partners do. You will see that Local Partners are very important members of our Community. You can be a Local Partner tester in your country. Testing will commence on 1 June 2018 and run for a month. Your participation will help us, so we hope you will join in.

What is Tigereum?

Tigereum is a digital currency to buy, sell, send and pay in any currency on social media

Who are we?

We are a decentralised Community who use and support the Community Platform for Tigereum digital currency in all countries

Who are Local Partners?

Local Partners create and redeem a Tiger Transfers for Members in their local community

What is a Tiger Transfer?

Tiger Transfer is a digital voucher which certifies the number and digital wallet address of a parcel of Tigereum digital currency.

What can you do with a Tiger Transfer?

You can send a Tiger Transfer to friends and family on social media.

How do people become Members of this Community?

Anyone can join our Community by applying to become a Member on our website, or by using our social media bots on Facebook and Telegram as a guest member.

Are there different types of Members?

Yes, we have five types of Members in our Community:

Guest is a member who uses our Community Platform on a guest basis without registering or providing Identity Verification

Member is a member who registers to get higher limits, and to save personal details and preferences for easier use when returning to our Community Platform (registration includes providing Identity Verification)

Local Partner is a member who can create and redeem Tiger Transfers in their country

Corporate Partner is a member provides technical and administration services to support our Community

Tokenholder Member is a member who holds Tigereum on a listed crypto exchange, or in a digital wallet outside our Community Platform

Will there be a Local Partner in each country?

Yes, we will have at least one Local Partner in each country, so that we can support every Member in their local currency. We will have more than one Local Partner in each country where the Community need exists.


Who can create a Tiger Transfer for a Member?

Only Local Partners can create Tiger Transfers for Members

How does a Local Partner create a Tiger Transfer?

A Local Partner creates a Tiger Transfer for a Member using Local Partner Administration Portal

A Member will initiate this interaction on our Community Platform

The Member will select which Local Partner they want to interact with (from a list identifying Local Partners in that country by name, photo and ref number)

Local Partners will take turns to create Tiger Transfers for those Member who do not select which Local Partner they want to interact with

How can a Member pay a Local Partner for a Tiger Transfer?

Crypto — Bitcoin or Ethereum

Payment card — Mastercard or VISA

Cash — Local currency

Where does the Tigereum come from for a Tiger Transfer?

The Local Partner supplies the Tigereum for a Tiger Transfer from their digital wallet on the Local Partner Admin Portal

Where does the payment from the Member go?

The Local Partner who creates the Tiger Transfer receives the payment from the Member

What data is stored on a Tiger Transfer when it is created?

Each Tiger Transfer created on our Community Platform will certify (i) the amount of Tigereum digital currency (ie. the number of TIG), (ii) a unique digital wallet address where that Tigereum is being held on the blockchain for the benefit of the bearer of the Tiger Transfer, (iii) the date and time when the Tiger Transfer was created, (iv) digital signatures representing the identities of the Community Member and Local Partner who interacted to create the Tiger Transfer, (vi) a unique reference number for tracking the Tiger Transfer interaction on our Community Platform, and (vii) a URL link so that the Tiger Transfer can be shared on social media.

How does a Member get a Tiger Transfer from a Local Partner?

The method for creating and sending a Tiger Transfer to a Member depends on the payment method selected by the Member

How is the price of Tigereum set?

A Member who uses our Community Platform to get a Tiger Transfer pays to the Local Partner the coinmarketcap.com price of Tigereum plus 5%.


Who can redeem a Tiger Transfer on our Community Platform?

Only Local Partners can redeem a Tiger Transfer

What currency can a Tiger Transfer be redeemed in?

Any currency where we have a Local Partner

How does a Community Member redeem a Tiger Transfer?

Cash - Redeem their Tiger Transfer with a Local Partner for cash in person

Bank Deposit — Redeem their Tiger Transfer with a Local Partner and get sale proceeds deposited into their bank account


How to redeem for cash?

Any Member can redeem a Tiger Transfer to a Local Partner in their country for cash in their local currency

Where does the cash come from?

Local Partners provide cash to redeem a Tiger Transfer from their own cash resources in their local currency

What price?

Tigereum’s redemption price on our Community Platform is the coinmarketcap.com price less 5%

How does a Local Partner do this?

Local Partner will pay the cash to our redeeming Member, and log onto our Local Partner Admin Portal to cancel the Tiger Transfer

What happens to the Tigereum of the redeemed Tiger Transfer?

Tigereum on the redeemed Tiger Transfer transfers automatically to the TIG wallet address of the Local Partner


How to redeem for a bank deposit?

Any Member can redeem a Tiger Transfer to a Local Partner in their country by receiving a local bank deposit in their local currency

Which Local Partner does the bank deposit?

A Member redeeming a Tiger Transfer on our Community Platform will select a Local Partner in their country on our Community Platform (by selecting from a list of Local Partners in their country). If a Member does not select a Local Partner, Local Partners in that country will take turns to execute redemptions as they arise.

How does the Local Partner know the bank account details?

Redeeming Members nominate a local bank account that they want the local currency value of the Tiger Transfer deposited into (or they are saved in their profile)

Who does the bank deposit?

Local Partners do the bank deposit using their own bank funds in their local currency

What price?

Tigereum’s redemption price on our Community Platform is the coinmarketcap.com price less 5%

When must the bank deposit be made?

Local Partner must transfer money to the Member’s nominated bank account from their local bank account on the same-day, and log the transfer details on the Local Partner Admin Portal

What happens to the Tigereum of the redeemed Tiger Transfer?

Tigereum on the redeemed Tiger Transfer transfers automatically to the TIG wallet address of the Local Partner


When does the Local Partner test program commence?

We launch our test program for Local Partners on 1 June 2018.

How do I become a Local Partner tester?

Please email Darren Olney-Fraser at dof@tigereum.io or message him on Telegram @darrenof if you are interested in participating.

What is required of Local Partners testers?

To register as a Local Partner tester, we need you to provide Identity Verification and we will do a PEP/Sanction check. You must be over 18 years old. You must not be from a sanctioned country.

Once registered, you will be given access to our Local Partner Admin Portal. This will have new and unique Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tigereum wallets set up automatically for you to use.

You will need to set up your own local currency bank account for all your Tigereum transactions (payments in/out through our Community Platform)

A Security Deposit of 20,000 TIG will ordinarily be required in a separate digital wallet we create for you on your Local Partner Admin Portal, however we will waive that requirement during the test period

All Tiger Transfer transactions must go through our Local Partner Admin Portal. You must use the digital wallets we set up for you, you must use the bank account you set up for this purpose, and you must log all cash transactions.

Transactions are capped by the Admin Portal at US$10,000 worth of TIG per day across all channels

You need to have enough Tigereum in your TIG wallet to support any Tiger Transfers you create. You can get more TIG whenever you need it from any of the exchanges where Tigereum is listed

We will monitor and audit Local Partners testers to ensure compliance with our Community Rules

Local Partners testers will pay us 2% of the value of all Tiger Transfers they create

Legal Requirements

Local Partners testers need to comply with our Community Rules, Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct

Local Partners testers need to use the Standard Terms for the contract between themselves and a Community Member when creating or redeeming a Tiger Transfer

Our Community Rules, Privacy Policy, Code of Conduct and Standard Terms will be published on our website shortly

Local Partners testers need to be aware of and satisfy their own local laws and regulations

We will not tolerate abuse of our Community Platform for fraud, money-laundering or terrorist financing

Will there be more than one Local Partner in each county?

After the test program is completed, we aim to enrol as many Local Partners as possible in each country so that our Community can grow quickly and be serviced locally.

The barrier to entry for Local Partner is very low, and our model is very scalable. It will be possible to be a Local Partner with not much more than a mobile phone to do the work of a Local Partner by accessing our Admin Portal.

In underbanked countries, where cash is used to create and redeem Tiger Transfers, we would hope to have many Local Partners in key cities and regional towns so that anyone can join our Community and be serviced locally by our Local Partners.

Will there be any territory or exclusivity?

No, Local Partners will not have any territory or exclusivity within their country, but they must only operate in their own country in their local currency.

Local Partner Groups

We encourage groups of Local Partners to form.

We anticipate this model will suit existing distribution networks in some countries, especially underbanked countries.

If you choose to set up a group, we will deduct an additional 1% fee from the Tiger Transfers created by Local Partners in your group and pay that to you in Tigereum.


We launch our test program for Local Partners on 1 June 2018, and it will run for a month.

We are offering 5000 free TIG to the first Local Partner tester in each country, which will be contributed to your security deposit wallet.

We will be required to have the full 20,000 TIG security deposit in your digital wallet by the end of our test period (1 July 2018).

Also, please let us know if you are interested in setting up a Group of Local Partners in your country.

Please email Darren Olney-Fraser at dof@tigereum.io or PM him on Telegram @darrenof if you want to join our Local Partner Test Program

