A Brexit would be devastating for Bristol

Darren Jones MP
3 min readMar 27, 2016


First published by Bristol 24/7 on March, 3 2016

The European Referendum campaign is now well underway and, with only a matter of weeks to go, it’s vital that we all take the time to consider our decision.

I for one am clear. I’ll be voting to stay in the European Union.

I’ve decided this not because I think Europe is perfect — it isn’t — but because the impact of a Brexit on the people and communities of Bristol will be devastating.

This isn’t a scare tactic, it’s based on fact.

For three years I was the Labour Party candidate to be the MP for Bristol North West. That constituency includes Avonmouth and homes many workers who work in advanced manufacturing in Filton, in professional services in the centre and so much more.

Over those three years I visited many businesses which rely on our membership of the European Union and learnt what the impact of a Brexit would be on the jobs those businesses create.

For those working with tariff-free imports and exports at Avonmouth Port (including the thousands of cars passers-by can see from the M5 bridge), or those working for the French owned Airbus or its supply chain businesses in Filton, the impact of leaving the European Union is clear.

A Brexit will result in job losses. Hundreds of families rely on these local jobs and they need strong political representation to make sure the future security of their families is protected. Sitting on the fence is not good enough.

But a Brexit is not just a risk in the present. The short term pain — with job losses, a slump in the value of the pound and a negative hit to our still fragile economy — is just the start.

A Brexit will hurt our future too. For our children who want local apprenticeships or who want to go to university to learn from research informed leading educators, a Brexit will reduce their opportunities.

For those of us that are committed to tackling climate change, a Brexit will hurt our collective future. And for those of us proud of Britain’s role in the world, a Brexit will hurt our future too.

Britain is a great country but our position on the global stage is largely due to who we were and not who we are. Our seat at the tables of powers — the EU as the worlds largest trading bloc, the UN Security Council, NATO, the G8 and more — rests on our ability to maintain our leading global position.

Compare the size of our population and our economy to that of China or India or Brazil or, increasingly, to the high growth countries on the African continent. Britain by itself — indeed perhaps only England and Wales following a Brexit induced loss of Scotland and the end of our United Kingdom — will become a thing of the past.

I am passionate about Britain remaining a member of the European Union for all of these reasons — to protect workers jobs today, to protect the future opportunities of the next generation and to protect the ability for Britain to lead the protection of our environment and the protection of our universal values of human rights, freedom of speech and democracy around the World.

Each of us get one vote on June 23. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The outcome will be historic.

For our economic security, our national security and the security of our collective future I hope you’ll vote to keep Britain IN the European Union.

Darren Jones was Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Bristol North West at the 2015 General Election and is the national chair of the Young Lawyers’ Network of the Lawyers Stronger In for Britain campaign. He tweets at @darrenpjones



Darren Jones MP

Labour MP, Bristol NW. Chair, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee. Member of the National Security Joint Committee and the Liaison Committee.