How to Program Your Sit-Stand Desk?

Darren Sherwood
4 min readJun 5, 2024


If you have a manual sit-stand desk, you only adjust the height up and down when necessary. This differs from electric desks, which have a control panel for height adjustment.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to adjust your manual desk and program your electric sit-stand desk to switch between sitting and standing. It’s nothing tedious; let’s get started.

Types of Standing Desks

Photo by TheStandingDesk on Unsplash

At a high level, there are two types of standing desks: manual (crank and pneumatic) and electric. Crank desks have a handle you turn to adjust the height, whereas pneumatic desks use air pressure to move up and down when you push a lever.

On the other side are electric standing desks, which are the most convenient options. They have a motor and buttons to raise or lower the desk. Electric sit-stand desks also pack advanced features like sit-stand alarms, USB ports, and wireless charging.

Let’s go over how to set up, adjust, and program each desk type.

How to Adjust a Manual Sit-Stand Desk?

Using a Manual Crank Adjustable Desk

Manual sit-stand desks can be adjusted using a crank or a pneumatic lever. Here’s how to do it if you’re using a crank:

Using a Crank

  1. Find the handle or crank on the side of the desk.
  2. Turn the handle clockwise to raise the desk or counterclockwise to lower the desk.
  3. Adjust to your desired height and stop turning the handle.

📝 Note: When using a crank desk, maintain a steady pace while turning the handle; rushing or applying too much force strains the adjusting mechanism.

Using Pneumatic Adjustment

Using a Manual Pneumatic Adjustable Desk

Standing desks that are pneumatically adjustable work differently from crank-adjustable manual desks. In terms of convenience, pneumatic desks are a middle ground. Here’s how to adjust yours:

  1. Locate the lever or button under the desk.
  2. Pull or press the lever while gently lifting or pushing down on the desktop to move up or down.
  3. Release the lever at your preferred height.

📝 Quick tip: Always ensure your pneumatic sit-stand desk is evenly loaded before adjusting it to prevent tilting or uneven movement.

How to Program an Electric Desk?

Programming an electric desk involves setting preset height positions for easy adjustment using the desk’s control panel.

An Example Sit-Stand Desk Control Panel
An Example Sit-Stand Desk Control Panel

The control panel of a standing desk often has an interface with buttons or a touchscreen display to input your desired height levels and save them as presets. Here’s a general guide:

  • Adjustment buttons: You’ll get two buttons that you can press and hold to move your desk up or down.
  • Preset buttons: Standing desks have three or four buttons to save specific desk heights.
  • Linking button: This button assigns a desk height to one of the preset buttons. Most desk brands name it “M.”

Now, let’s program your desk height. Once you have your desk at your desired height through the adjustment buttons, you can save the height at any of the preset buttons through the steps below:

  1. Press and hold the preset linking button.
  2. While holding the preset linking button, press the preset button where you want to save the height.
  3. Release both buttons.

📌 Note: Some standing desks manufacturers have a slightly different process for programming. So, refer to your desk’s manual for specific instructions.

Now, whenever you want your desk at that height, press the preset button you saved it to, and it’ll adjust automatically.

How to Get the Most of Your Standing Desk?

Photo by TheStandingDesk on Unsplash

Here are three essential tips to optimise your standing desk experience, enhance your productivity, and boost your well-being:

  1. Alternate between sitting and standing: Don’t stand all day. Switch between sitting and standing every 30 to 60 minutes to avoid fatigue and keep your body comfortable.
  2. Ensure proper ergonomics: When standing, your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle, and your screen should be at eye level to maintain good posture and reduce neck and back strain.
  3. Use appropriate accessories: Standing desk accessories like anti-fatigue mats provide support and reduce pressure on your legs and feet, making standing more comfortable.


  1. Can crank desks be programmed? Manual crank standing desks cannot be programmed; they rely on manual adjustment using a crank or lever to change the desk’s height.
  2. How do I organise my stand-up desk? To organise your stand-up desk, start by arranging essential items like your computer, keyboard, and mouse to promote ergonomic posture. Then, keep frequently used items such as pens, notebooks, and chargers in designated compartments to minimise clutter.


Programming your sit-stand desk is a simple and effective way to optimise your workspace for improved health and productivity. The personalised steps above should help you switch between sitting and standing throughout your workday.

Embracing this small adjustment made a big difference in my overall well-being and comfort while working. So, take charge of your workspace today and program your sit-stand desk for a healthier, more productive, and more dynamic work routine.



Darren Sherwood

With expertise in software, management, human factors and ergonomics, Darren leads teams of talented Software Developers, researchers, writers and editors.