Most Crucial E-Commerce Trends: Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin

5 min readFeb 22, 2018


Blockchain technology has to gain huge momentous with several aspects of financial markets and cryptocurrencies. Despite fluctuation for a month, cryptocurrencies are stable and rapid is growing as the major technological assets and consumer products. The month of February and March will be setting the most crucial months for not only cryptocurrencies but also for investors, analysts and everyone else who is seeing them as the best economic trends for 2018 and further.

The financial experts are expecting the cryptocurrencies to rebound and continue to mature in near future.

With that in mind, here we are predicting some of the most curious e-commerce trends that will shape the future online shopping.

Securing Cryptocurrencies with Stablecoins

The rise of cryptocurrencies shows the path to next-generation digital currencies. It represents the wealth of financial wealth and you should be ready to witness the employment of one of its most talked about applications.

The applications of blockchain namely Bitcoin is facilitating secure, fast and efficient payments. But the sole and biggest problem it is facing is the high level of volatility in the market which renders tokens from unreliable sources and devalued the everyday trade and transactions.

One of the best ways to stabilize the volatility of cryptocurrencies is to introduce stablecoins. It seeks to change the fluctuations by pegging the token’s value to another asset such as fiat currency.

Right now, Tether is the largest stablecoin which pegs the value of Tether to the USD holding USD privately. It issues additional Tethers and swaps back and forth as necessary. It has come under heavy scrutiny as there are much serious concerns associated with its legitimacy and transparency.

In order to make stablecoin a legitimate thing across the world, the experts are focusing on its alternative mechanism to maintain a consistent token value in a trustful system on the blockchain. In this method, each token with another decentralized crypto asset and thus relying on smart contracts to hold collateral rather than in private account or vault.

Thus by securing the currency, it can offer better and stable price without compromising the legitimacy and transparency of the currency. Thus, it is opening varied possibilities for the cryptocurrencies in the coming months.

Consumer Interest and Participation in Cryptocurrencies

As the world continues to learn about the enormous possibilities of blockchain technology and its applications like Bitcoin, people are becoming curious to invest in. the massive market for buying Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrencies raised in December 2017.

This has forced many exchanges to close their doors to new users due to constraints of server accommodations. On the other note, many people also concluded the lengthy process of identity verification to buy Bitcoin. With the price fluctuating every month, the potential Bitcoin users are selecting platforms for redeeming their coins or to exchange it to forfeit their losses.

The new cryptocurrency exchanges are quickly establishing themselves which are allowing affordable, unlimited and faster trade on the digital platforms. With the hassle free commerce and improved user interface, the consumers are taking the keen interest in Bitcoins and are also contributing their efforts to maintain it for longer future.

If you want better user experience then you should check out Cointal. It is one of the new peer-to-peer cryptocurrency marketplaces which is tailoring the user experience for letting the people started with the Bitcoin. Now you can easily and quickly buy Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies without any restrictions and deposit. Besides, buying cryptocurrency is free of fees and you can owe it absolutely free.

As there is no fee, it has motivated people to participate in this new form of digital currency. Cointal also offers live support and free insurance on transactions in case you might not get the deserved value in flash sale. It has simplified the process of entering the crypto market and is perfect for a layman to get started and to become a pro with the use of Bitcoin. It is also a great platform for traditional exchange.

B2B Market applications

The main aspect of Bitcoin is the technology which provides flexibility of the distributed ledger the rely on. It is very clear that this feature is valuable in an organization and can also maintain transparency. Its non-specificity has allowed it to be utilized across industries and for Business to a business prospectus.

The advanced technology of blockchain has opened up horizons for developers to build decentralized applications that are holding business to business aspects. Although there are numerous applications are well documented and the most common are financial and healthcare apps. The mobile app developers can Blockchain technology to create B2B applications for less expected areas like transportation, real estate, sports and many others.

How is E-Commerce Business Revolutionized by Bitcoin Currency?

Here, we can take the example of NewEra which is based on blockchain technology. The application is offering secure carbon credits certification protocol which runs on Bitcoin. The company has created a decentralized platform to incentivize and accurately record a cleaner individual energy footprint. The emission reduction units produced by every person can be exchanged for NewEra tokens to use within the community. It has spread environmental awareness with the trusted recordkeeping of smart contracts; it has also built a green economy based on the blockchain.

Inflow of institutional money into crypto

Wall Street’s decision to adopt cryptocurrencies has developed massive marketplace. It has raised huge following of financial institutes and their strong adaptation of accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for growth and development. As a result financial institutes like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are investing their institutional money into cryptocurrencies.

Considered as the major player in the banking sector, Goldman has already set up cryptocurrency trading desk. Yes, the blockchain technology still needs improvement, but it is expanding form can make it even more secure. For today’s financial institute’s cryptocurrency was the highest performing asset and is getting even stronger day by day. You can witness more regulations on Bitcoin in next quarter and be sure to stay informed.

Key thoughts

The cryptocurrency industry is just starting to take off. All you need is to start mastering it, as it might be the only currency for you to trade with near future.

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