[Day 4] Unlocking Your Superpowers

Daryl Johnson
3 min readSep 18, 2016


In the path to success, one of the keys to unlocking your true potential is doing the thing that you enjoy to the best of your capability. Today’s 10 day blog challenge is to unlock that “superpower” which is your true potential. A Lot people are doing good in careers but aren’t doing what they love. In this challenge, I will teach you how to find your “Superpower” and help you find your freedom lifestyle.

First thing we have to do is make a list of things you’re really good at. You don’t have to be excellent or perfect but just things you do good in. For example, some people might be good at sports, some people might be good at video games. Yoga, styling hair, cooking etc. The list could go on for a while

Next, make a list of things that give you freedom, something you enjoy make sure you think deeply about this. Finding the things you enjoy will help you find what you really want to do not what other people want you to do.

My list of things I enjoy to do wasn’t that long… Im a fairly simple guy. I will share with you my three “superpowers”. Helping people, blogging, and music. Those are the three things that I can do everyday for the rest of my life and enjoy doing it.

With helping people, Im very good with kids and I can relate to people on a deep level. Almost like a social worker or a psychologist would. I also would enjoy appointments, meetings, and volunteer work. This would help me live the freedom lifestyle by getting to travel.

Blogging is on the same side of the coin as helping people is. With blogging, I could build a career at it and become my own boss leading to other side projects and writing opportunities.

Lastly, I love music. My dream job is to own my own Music Store and have the largest store in the U.S. I am a student and a big fan of marching band. But not only for the recognition and money, but I want to keep good music alive and offer opportunities to people that don’t usually get chances. Im talking about instrument rentals, affordable recording sessions, and affordable equipment rental. Im more in tune with what I want my lifestyle to be and I just hope that you can get as much out of this blog as I did writing.

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 4

Daryl Johnson

Entrepreneur and Author

