Daryn Plasticmask
1 min readApr 29, 2018


You seem like the Man to ask about this. I’m profoundly deaf, which is to say that I can hear above 126 decibels. Barely.

What I’m needing, what I’m looking for, is a set of headphones that will handle at least 130 decibels.

I have a little 40 watt amp that I use with my PC’s soundcard, and a headphone booster. But the closest I can get it around 126 decibels, and the headphones blow out EVERY TIME.

So I asked the manufacturer of the amp if I needed a bigger amp (more watts) or what… in order to achieve that 130 decibel goal. He responded that even with FOUR watts, there’s no reason why I can’t get 130 decibels out of “the right set of headphones”.

When pressed regarding what he meant, I’ve gotten no response. So I do not know what to look for. You have explained that the size of the driver isn’t the issue, the kHz isn’t the issue, and the only thing I’ve noticed about the ohms they list on the box is that the higher the ohms the less I can hear; the quieter the headphones are, when the ohms are higher.

So, can YOU help me? You obviously know what you’re talking about when when it comes to headphones… what do I need to look for to get 130 decibels out of a set of headphones??

Thanks very much

