The Ultimate One Funnel Away challenge review

Sudip Das
10 min readOct 3, 2020


The One Funnel Away Challenge is NOT your average funnel-building course.

Are you ready to crush it with your first ever sales funnel?

This is the most complete and detailed OFA Challenge review you’ll find on the internet.

In this ultimate in-depth review, you’ll find everything there is to know about Russell Brunson’s epic course, both the good and the bad (although if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves for some good ‘ol fashioned hard work, there really aren’t any downsides).

However, if you were hoping to buy a training program and set it aside for later, then the OFA Challenge probably isn’t for you.

On the flipside, if you’re pumped for the 30-day funnel hacking experience of a lifetime, then stick around…you’re in the right place.

Before we get too far along though, a FULL DISCLAIMER:

I’m an affiliate for Russell’s course and I’ll earn a commission if you decide to sign up through my affiliate link…but don’t worry…if you use my link, you’ll get the same low price as everyone else…it’s no extra cost to you.

I only recommend trainings I believe in 100%.

As a matter of fact, I’ve already purchased the One Funnel Away Challenge TWICE to grow online business.

Not only that, but if you purchase through the link on this review, you’ll get hooked up with my OFA experiencewhich includes several incredible bonuses that will help you get the most out of your One Funnel Away journey. You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else and they aren’t sold separately.because my journey not like others.

If you’ve already decided that you want to join the OFA Challenge, you can do so by clicking the link below….

Part 1: What Is The One Funnel Away Challenge?

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day training course that takes you step-by-step through the process of building and launching a high-performing funnel…

…but there’s one HUGE TWIST!

30 days after you start the program, it self-destructs (yes, just like Mission Impossible, lol).

This means that if you don’t take massive action, you’re investment will be gone forever.

When you purchase The OFA Challenge, you aren’t buying a course that takes 30 days to complete…you’re buying a 30-day EXPERIENCE that’s unlike anything else.

In addition to the course itself, you’re going to get a big box with a whole bunch of amazing books, videos, and trainings, but the main reason this program works is because it forces you to take action.

Every single day you’ll go through a whole bunch of training that takes you one step closer to launching an amazing, high-converting funnel.

But fear not…you’ll have some amazing coaches by your side every step of the way:

Meet Your Coaches:

One Funnel Away Challenge Overview

Here’s a quick overview of what you get with The One Funnel Away Challenge:

  • 6 total weeks of lessons (including the pre-training and post-training weeks)
  • 30 days of of video missions from Russell Brunson ($997 value)
  • 30 Days of coaching from Julie Stoian and Stephen Larsen ($997 value)
  • One Funnel Away Challenge Customized Kit and 30-day Plan ($247 value)
  • BONUS #1: Physical Copy of the Challenge Workbook ($97 value)
  • BONUS #2: MP3 Player with Russell’s Daily Lessons ($297 value)
  • BONUS #3: 30 Days Hardcover Book ($97 value)
  • BONUS #4: Unlimited Access to 30 Days Interviews ($197 value)
  • BONUS #5: Behind the Scenes-Two Comma Club Interviews ($197 value)


(Pssst…but you can grab the whole program TODAY for only $100)

Part 2: Is One Funnel Away Challenge Right For Me?

The One Funnel Away Challenge isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

It’s a high-octane, demanding, fast-paced funnel school on steroids and it’s always 30 days or less from self-destructing.

The good news is that if you can keep up the pace, you’ll be ready to make serious money with your next funnel.

Here’s how to know if The OFA Challenge is right for you:

One Funnel Away Challenge Is Right For You If:

  • You’ve never built a funnel before and the idea is overwhelming.
  • You’ve created funnels in the past, but you want to make sure to do great job with the next one.
  • You’re trying to figure out how to reach more people.
  • You sell something that solves a problem.
  • You run a business that fulfills a desire.
  • Your company’s growth is stuck but you can’t figure out why.
  • You want to make a bigger impact on the world.
  • You don’t have a product, but you want to start selling other people’s products as an affiliate.
  • You’re a lifestyle entrepreneur that wants to boost their marketing skills.
  • You’re in a job that you hate and you want to get out.
  • You can commit at least an hour a day for 30 days (plus the week 1 pre-training)
  • You’ll refuse to miss even one day of training.
  • You promise to tune in to Stephen’s daily live coaching calls.
  • You want to run a funnel to get more sign-ups for your virtual conference or other virtual event.
  • You can commit to learning the material and immediately taking action.
  • You’re willing to invest a small fee of $100 for one of the most value-packed funnel building programs ever created.

One Funnel Away Challenge Is NOT Right For You If:

  • You don’t have an hour-a-day to dedicate to this course.
  • You can’t work 30 days straight on expanding your funnel knowledge (plus one week of pre-training and one week of post-training).
  • $100 is too expensive for you.
  • You can’t dedicate one hour a day for 30 days straight.
  • You aren’t willing to do the prep work and homework.

Part 3: Why You Need To Join The Next One Funnel Away Challenge ?

I’ve already bought the One Funnel Away Challenge at least two times by now.

Why am I going back for seconds and thirds of the same info course?

Because The OFA Challenge gives the ultimate gift that no other funnel course does:


This course self destructs exactly 30 days after you start it, making it the ULTIMATE procrastination destroyer.

Russell was sick and tired of seeing people buy his courses, only to watch them never take action.

If you’re serious about building funnels, then the OFA Challenge will light a fire under your butt…

Plus, coach Stephen will be in your ear on group calls to keep you on track.

Are you ready to seize the day for 30 days straight?

And remember, enrollment isn’t always open, so it’s important to take action while you can.

Week 1: Hook, Story, Offer

Russell’s Hook, Story, and Offer video:

Week 1 teaches you how to research other successful Facebook marketers to find out their secrets to success.

You’ll also get an overview of the basic elements of funnel hacking, like how to sequence offers and the importance of visual design.

Here are your missions for Week 1 if you choose to accept them:

  • Mission #1: Offer Hacking
  • Mission # 2: The Greatest Showman
  • Mission # 3: Offer Sequencing
  • Mission #4: The Secret of E-covers
  • Mission #5: Creating Your Products

Week 2: Your Hooks and Stories

Week 2 is all about sales copy.

It’s a time-tested fact that having the right words on the page (a.k.a. copywriting) is the most important element of selling, and that goes for both written copy and spoken video scripts.

Mission #2, The Epiphany bridge, is especially powerful because it explains how to incorporate persuasive stories into everything you do.

Here are your missions for Week 2 if you choose to accept them:

  • Mission #1: Testing Your Material
  • Mission #2: Epiphany Bridge
  • Mission #3: Publishing Your Origin Story
  • Mission #4: Testing Hooks/Stories

If you want a MASSIVE CHEAT CODE for creating amazing copy, then check out our full Funnel Scripts review here.

Week 3: The Funnel

Week 3 is, you guessed it…all about The Funnel.

At his point, you’ve spent a week getting mentally prepared, a week learning the basics of how to sell online, and a week lifting the curtain on sales copy…

Now it’s time to put it all into a high-converting funnel that drives massive sales.

Here are your missions for Week 3 if you choose to accept them:

  • Mission #1: Generate a Lead / Make a Sale
  • Mission #2: ClickFunnels
  • Mission #3: Sequence Page
  • Mission #4: Sales Page / Order Form
  • Mission #5: OTO Page
  • Mission #6: Member’s Area

Week 4: Make It Rain

Now for the fun part: making it rain cold, hard cash.

Week 4 of this epic 30-day crunch-time challenge is all about launching your funnel.

It explains the concepts of HOT, WARM, and COLD leads and how to guide them through the funnel.

Russell also teaches you how to make adjustments if you funnel flops…hey, it happens.

Here are your missions for Week 4 if you choose to accept them:

  • Mission #1: The 3 Types of Traffic
  • Mission #2: The Dream 100
  • Mission #3: Hooks (Earned)
  • Mission #4: Hooks (Paid)
  • Mission #5: What Happens When Your Funnel Flops?

OFA Challenge Kit

NOTE: You have two ways to buy The OFA Challenge Kit.

OPTION #1: Pay an additional $19.95 for shipping and handling and get the PHYSICAL version of the 30 Day book, the course workbook, and the MP3 player with Russell’s and Stephen’s recordings.

OPTION #2: Get PDF versions of the books and downloadable audio files (no MP3 player) for no additional fee.

BONUS #1: 30 Days Book

The 30 Days book is 550-page manual with detailed funnel plans from 30 of Russells Two Comma Club members.

The premise of the book is that if you just lost everything, how would you get your wealth back in 30 days as an unknown newbie?

Russell asked this question to his Two Comma Club members, and the result is this amazing book.

The coolest thing about the 30 Day book is that you can flip through it page-by-page and see 30 full funnel plans laid out step-by-step.

BONUS #2: One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook

Course workbooks are easy to ignore, but they can deliver a ton of value when you put them to use.

If you opt for the physical version, a spiral-bound copy will be delivered to your door.

On the other hand, if you go with the digital version, you’ll be able to print it off and use it at home immediately.

Completing the exercises makes you feel a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to crush the next day.

Bonus #3: Training Recordings + MP3 Player

Okay, the real value here obviously isn’t in the MP3 player itself but in the recordings inside.

Get over 50 voice recordings of all of Russell’s daily trainings (Day 1 through Day 30) + recordings of Stephen’s live coaching calls from the first challenge.

If you opt for the physical version of the course, you’ll get an actual MP3 player, but if you just want the downloadable recordings, then the digital version is all you need.

They’re great to listen to while you do chores or run errands (not to mention a huge time-saver).

BONUS #4 and #5: 30-Day Summit Interviews + Behind-the-Scenes

In case you’re wondering what comes next on your marketing journey, Russell’s star students share their funnel plans in these 30 bonus videos.

But these aren’t just any star students, they’re members of the Two Comma Club (people who have made millions with ClickFunnels).

You can find the bonus videos in The OFA Challenge membership area.

They feature all the Two Comma Club members from the 30 Days book that comes with the course.

Each member lays out their entire 30-day plan for achieving massive success.

You also get access to extra behind-the-scenes bonus footage (you actually get to see inside their funnels as they walk you through everything in ClickFunnels step-by-step).


If you are ready to take challenge then click the link below and if you go through by my link then you will get more bonuses from me.

OFA Challenge


  • BONUS #1: You get Expert secret for free($ 20 value)
  • BONUS #2:You get Dotcom secrets for free($ 20 value)
  • BONUS #3: Funnel Cookbook for free($ 20 value)
  • BONUS #4: Some marketing book and rich dad poor dad absolutely free($ 1000 value)
  • BONUS #5: All time personal support from me which is worth for every beginners($ 2000 value)
  • BONUS #6: All secrets and tricks of my experience($ 1000 value)


not only this also some secrets i will provide those who are tkae challenge between 10 October- 31 December,2020

To take special secrets take the challenge and take oppertunity of my partner so click below link or click OFA challenge

OFA Challenge

After getting this challenge obviously notify me on my whatsapp number 9073383828

So don’t be late take challenge now and grow your business get more lead and sells and understand peoples mentality.



Sudip Das

I am an affiliate marketer and I am work with clickfunnel and leadsark