League of Legends 156th new champion Akshan

2 min readAug 27, 2021


“Akshan” skill

Unique Skill-Dirty Fight

Each time you hit a normal attack or damage skill three times, it deals intense physical damage. If the target is a champion, you will also get a shield.

Makes a second attack after a normal attack, dealing reduced physical damage. The second shot can also be canceled like a normal attack. If you cancel the second shot, your movement speed will increase.


— Retaliation Boomerang Throw a boomerang that causes physical damage to visualize the enemies hit, and each time you hit an enemy, the boomerang’s flight distance increases. Boomerangs can hit enemies once each round trip.

W-Gentleman’s Style

Automatic Effect: When an enemy champion kills one of his allies, he marks the enemy as a “villain”. When Akshan gets a kill or assist from the “Rogue”, he gets additional gold and all allies killed by the “Rogue” are revived at home. At that time, the status of “Rogue” disappears from all other enemies.

Activation effect: Unlimited camouflage for a few seconds or while near terrain. During the duration of the effect, you can see the path leading to the “villain”, and while moving toward the “villain”, the movement speed and automatic mana recovery will increase.


Launch the hero swing “Hook Shot” and pierce the first hit terrain. If it reactivates while piercing, it will fly around the terrain in the direction it was activated, firing a bullet at the nearest enemy during the swing, causing physical damage. If it reactivates during the swing, it will pop out in the specified direction and fire the last shot.

The “Hero Swing” cooldown disappears when you get a kill or assist from an enemy champion.

R ―― Natural reward

Lock on the enemy champion, start chanting, send 메이저사이트추천 power to the gun and collect bullets. At the end of the cast, or when it reactivates, it fires the accumulated bullets, dealing physical damage to each of the first minions, champions, and structures that hit first, depending on their reduced health.

You can move and activate “Hero Swing” while casting this skill or firing a bullet.

