5 Major Reasons Why Belarus is Your Choice for Outsourcing

3 min readAug 2, 2017


Belorussian IT-industry has been seeing quite a rise in the last 10 years. Since the High Technology Park was established in 2004, it has been expanding, having more and more residents, and today there are about 1000 IT companies that provide an array of different services. Belarus was named an “emerging Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe” by Wall Street Journal and the best thing is — there is really a high demand for developers and other IT-specialists that work in outsourcing companies. So what is the reason for that and why such great amount of foreign companies, including some of the biggest US names, hire Belorussian IT specialists?

1. Development cost

While the developer’s salary may be twice (or three times) as much as an average salary in Belarus, the development costs are still incredibly low compared to other European countries and US. The costs obviously depend heavily on the services but overall, you can still save quite a lot if you choose to work with a Belorussian company.

2. Quality of work

It may seem strange but remains true: with low development costs comes great quality of work.

Big players want to maintain their work quality so they offer a variety of really good courses for the juniors to make sure they will be hiring professionals. Smaller companies have to compete so the first thing for them is to make sure their quality of work is at least on the same level as the one of the major companies (and we should admit, at times small-sized companies may even be a better choice as they have more individual approach).

3. Visa-free entry

The President has offered a visa-free entry for 5 days to 80 countries, including USA. So for those who want to work with Belorussian company, this is an excellent opportunity to meet the team, have a look at the office and learn more about the country and its people.

Another good thing is a low cost of living, compared to European and US countries. While you may spend a bit in 5-star international hotels like Hilton or Marriott, the cost of restaurants and cafes will pleasantly surprise you.

4. Recognition of IT industry in the country

Software industry is among top priorities of Belarusian economic development and the share of this sector in the national export makes up to 3%. The universities are offering excellent opportunities for those students interested in IT and Belarus has some projects that are recognized worldwide: Viber, World of Tanks, MSQRD and MAP.ME.

5. Location and size

Belarus is basically in the center of Europe — what more to add? It is within few hours of flight from almost all European countries. All outsourcing Belorussian companies also make sure their specialists speak multiple languages with English being the must, which adds to clear communication and helps to avoid any misunderstandings.

Minsk, aka the capital and center for Belarusian outsourcing, is relatively small if compared to other European cities. So upon visiting it you will be able to see most of the city, meet a lot of companies and afterwards (remember about prices?) have a couple of drinks with your newly made friends. Sounds pretty awesome to us!

It is worth saying that you should not pay attention to huge companies only. As we mentioned above, quality is the key factor that plays the role and start-ups tend to be even more adaptive, flexible and high-quality than industry veterans. Do your research carefully and don’t hesitate — if hundreds of companies already trust their Belorussian partners, why shouldn’t you?

And remember: at DashBouquet we know how to work hard and play even harder. We will gladly become your business partners but what is even more important — we can become really good friends. So come over, have a look at our country and meet the guys who will help you level-up your business!

