7 Habits To Improve Memory And Sharpen Brain Function


Just like any other muscle of the body, the brain too needs regular exercise to get a boost. If you want to stay focused and want to improve your concentration you need to perform some brain exercises that help you to become brainy.The best schools in Pune try to teach something new every day and help students retain the relevant information.

Multitasking doesn’t let you concentrate on a single work properly and hampers creativity as well as productivity. Multitasking further induces brain fatigue. Stress due to multitasking can take its toll on your overall brain health. SNBP International school in Pune, under the guidance Dr. DK Bhosale, encourages students to complete one task at a time, but the given task needs to be perfect.



Dasharath Bhosale, Chairman & Founder SNBP Pune

Dasharath Bhosale, Chairman & Founder of SNBP International School in Pune. He is an educationalist, quick-witted, astute and ingenious by nature.