Reasons why we now allow guest posting on our company blog
For those who have been reading our blog over the past couple of years, you may have noticed that something has changed with our content in the past few weeks.
No, our writing style hasn’t changed.
No, the writers on our team here at Chop Dawg haven’t changed.
No, we haven’t sold out and begun writing fluff content that doesn’t offer practical and motivating advice to entrepreneurs, enterprises, companies, startups, businesses, project managers and everything in-between.
No, we haven’t started adding paid content or paid advertising.
None of that.
So what is it?
We’ve opened up our blog into a platform that other incredibly intelligent writers, entrepreneurs, and enterprises can also use as a platform to share their content.
Why the move?
Simple explanation. We have two reasons.
One for the purpose of growth. One for the purpose of business… and as we have always done on this blog, we want to remain transparent for our fans, readers, and clients. It is important to be transparent, but it is just as important to be open so that you, the reader, can adapt these principles to your own business model (after-all, that is why you read our posts).
1) We have opened up our blog to other contributors because, to be frank, we know that though we are experts in what we do as a company here at Chop Dawg, we also know of so many other intelligent individuals in our space and similar spaces that can create great daily content for you. Since we have grown our readership and audience on this blog significantly over the past year; we want to leverage this by bringing on other writers to continue contributing content to our blog daily that you can use on your own businesses, entrepreneurial journey, early stage startups, product building, etc. We’re now in a position to do this thanks to the leverage we have built over the past few years, the brand we have developed, and thanks to the great readers such as yourself that deserve only the best of the best content for your daily lives.
2) By creating and contributing more content to our blog, our business here at Chop Dawg can continue to grow and scale. It’s not a secret why we create so much content. The biggest reason we love it is it’s one of the ways we want to give back to our industry (same reason why we pump out so much great content through our podcast and social media channels too). The second is brand awareness for us. The more people that discover us daily, read our content, discover us here at Chop Dawg, the more people we get to help and build their apps, scale their companies and work with them. This just happens to be an incredible win-win scenario for us as a company and fits our goals as a business to always give back to the community first.
So… what about these guest posts?
>Are these paying people us to be on our blog?
Are we just accepting everyone to contribute content?
Will these be sponsored posts disguised as normal blogs?
No, no and no.
First and foremost, no one that you will see contributing to this blog, ever, will be paid to do so.
This is important.
We aren’t selling out and becoming a crappy blog, full of fluff content that you find in most other blogs out there on the internet once they have a readership. We aren’t trying to ever sell you, only help you. Again, this blog is here to serve a purpose. To be a resource, a guide, a practical step-by-step on how to be successful, grow your companies, become an entrepreneur, scale a startup, build a brand, manage people, and everything related in-between. The individuals we have contributing content to our website must be a natural fit and what our audience is looking for, otherwise, we won’t let them on.
Now, you’re probably asking, why would someone contribute something then? The answer is simple and the exact same reason why we not only create constant content here but also share content elsewhere on other blogs and website too.
Brand awareness.
Opportunity to get your personal name, your company, in front of others. Ability to bring in new customers and clientele through growing your brand.
Being a thought-leader, contributing content, giving back. We aren’t the only ones on the internet doing it. A lot of good people, great companies, have the same intentions as us and we want to give others opportunities to use us too.
Two, we aren’t allowing every piece of content sent to us to be added to the blog. Hell no.
Quality over quantity.
In fact, we’ve already have had multiple pieces of content submitted to us, yet we’ve only approved a handful. That’s it.
Again, fitting the mantra mentioned above, we are only allowing true, practical and motivating content that fits our target audience.
We don’t want fluff.
Anything that doesn’t feel authentic, anything that was already shared elsewhere, anything that doesn’t fit our company culture here at Chop Dawg or something we wouldn’t want to post ourselves will not, nor ever, be posted here on the Chop Dawg blog.
Third and last, all guest posts posted on our blog will be marked as such.
We won’t disguise this content, nor take credit for it.
We will always mark the beginning of a post making it clear that it is a guest posting by the company/individual who submitted it. We will also end all of our guest postings with a summary of who wrote it, so that if you liked the writer, the person, the business, you can discover more about them and browse their own online identities. We will never take advantage of our guest writers, nor will we exploit them either. They are contributing to our platform, but they are contributing, not being an employee of ours.
So now that we have covered the reasons why we are opening up our blog for guest posting, the business and personal reasons behind it, how we will be managing the growth of this, you probably have one question left for us, how can you contribute?
Easiest answer of them all.
Email us with you what you’re proposing to contribute to the blog! Our is always available and at your disposal.
We recommend that you tell us about your ideas in advance of writing them to save you time if not a right fit, and when you do write them, write them with attention to quality since we won’t allow lackluster articles on here.
Make sure that your topics and articles fit our audience, provide real content that our readership will love and can adapt, and above all fits the feel of our own blog posts and narratives. If you do, not only will you be a right fit, not only will your brand have a platform to work with us on, but above all, you’ll be making an impact to readers like yourself.
Nothing is cooler than that, now is it?
We cannot wait to see how our content continues to expand, grow and make an impact to all of the startups, companies, enterprises, entrepreneurs, product managers, project managers, user interface designers, developers, investors and everyone in-between that reads these posts every single day.
It’s our goal to continue putting out the best of the best, content that will make a real impact on your day-to-day lives and operations, and most importantly, help you.
This marks just the next chapter of our blog, the next chapter of our way in giving back to the community, and the next chapter of our own growth as a company here at Chop Dawg.
Now let’s get to writing!
About Joshua Davidson: I build apps and help grow companies. Founder and CEO of Co-host of #thePawdcast on iTunes. Featured on FOX, MSNBC, CBS, Technically, EliteDaily and Mashable.
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