Why we brought on a chief of staff to Chop Dawg

Joshua Davidson
3 min readApr 12, 2016


Back in March of this year, we made one of our biggest internal moves to date as a company. We brought on someone to be our Chief of Staff. We’re incredibly excited about this brand new position. It’s also a huge step for us as a company. In fact, it is the very the first position that we have added which doesn’t directly involve our clients… actually, I guess it still does (more on that in a minute).

As we have grown over the past seven years, one thing has become abundantly clear to me. Time is our most valuable resource. If we aren’t delegating tasks that aren’t our top priority at any given time, we are literally giving away opportunities and not putting our customers, both current and future customers, in the best situation possible.

As the CEO of our company, this is something that was unacceptable to me. I wanted us to be in the position we are now in… being able to bring on someone insanely talented that could help resolve this.

That is why the Chief of Staff role was created. Someone who could personally help me double down on what needed to be done on my end, while simultaneously, handling the important tasks for me that just aren’t worth my time directly. Someone that could help ensure that not only am I spending every minute focused on what is most important but for the team as a whole. Allowing us as a team to get more time, focus on things that are most important, but also producing more output all at the same time. This is something huge that most companies, especially early stage startups overlook.

It’s incredibly important to realize just how finite our time is and how many things we as entrepreneurs, startups, growing companies need to delegate. We need to have the daily self-awareness to understand what is worth our top attention. Which things best positions us for the long term. Which things give us the best chance for success. By bringing on a Chief of Staff, this allows us to get one step closer to accomplishing this goal.

In order to be practical, let’s break down what our Chief of Staff will be doing. For example, he’ll be helping me personally produce and broadcast much more valuable content such as this (verymeta piece) to our blog. He’ll be helping us locate more partnerships with startups, early-stage and funded to help grow our pipeline of opportunities. He’ll be helping us discover more content partnerships to help other like-minded sources share our content with their incredible audiences. He’ll be helping us locate more all-stars to be on our podcast. He’ll be helping us manage our schedules, times and scheduled meetings to ensure we are always on top of things, organized, ready to go. He’ll be helping us by bringing his own expertise over the years of being a part of multiple industries and growing companies, to help us internally with the leadership and knowledge that we need.

It’s a critical role and one that lays another stepping stone to our long-term success. It’s one that we have known we needed for a while, one that most of the entrepreneurs reading this will one day need (if they don’t already need) too. Not everyone will be in the financial situation to make such a move now, we get it. With that said, continually ask yourself, what can you delegate. What is your time worth? What is worth outsourcing? What is worth shelving? Maximize your time. Maximize your efficiency. Spend time daily to be self-aware about your operations, yourself and your team. Position your company to always be the best. When you do, the investment you’re making now will always pay dividends in the long term

About Joshua Davidson: I build apps and help grow companies. Founder and CEO of ChopDawg.com. Co-host of #thePawdcast on iTunes. Featured on FOX, MSNBC, CBS, Technically, EliteDaily and Mashable.

Are you or your company looking for a talented development/design team to help build + scale your app? Email me personally (and directly) atJoshua@ChopDawg.com for a free consultation!



Joshua Davidson

CEO of @ChopDawgStudios. A passionate student of entrepreneurship. 📚 Author of The Entrepreneur’s Framework. Speaker, radio & podcast host 📲 Philly sports fan