Extra-Large Medium Fail

Mara Averick
1 min readSep 6, 2015


Contrary to my current actions (writing this post), I’m a Medium “user” primarily in the reading-sense of the word. That being said, every now and then I read a post that inspires me to respond, and, in so doing, “publish” something of mine own. I’m a data nerd by day, so it’s near-impossible for me to resist clicking on the Stats button — thus, I have discovered a few responses (read: “comments” in popular web parlance) with precisely zero reads. An extra-large Medium fail, if ever there was one.

I’m not looking for accolades, or recommendations (see Chaz Hutton’s tongue-in-cheek “10 Reasons Why Your Epic Medium Post Didn’t Go Viral” for more on why that simply wouldn’t be in the cards), but I would think that the authors of the posts would take the time (1 minute, by Medium’s count) to read their replies.

Am I missing something? I’m genuinely asking.



Mara Averick

tidyverse 🥑 @rstudio , 🏀 hoop head, gnashgab, blatherskite, lesser ½ of @batpigandme 🦇🐽