Camus — Spinning emotions out of numbers

2 min readApr 5, 2015


Camus is a system being designed to figure out emotions from numerical data.

Lot of data and decisions around us are to do with numbers. Time, prices of products, distances, physical parameters and other data. Many of our words are as well born out by having a measure of things at the back of our mind. Like, lets not go there, its too far — making a decision based on distance; I can meet tomorrow as I am free; I cannot spend so much this month. These are of course, very simple examples. There are cases where lot of numerical analysis is needed, especially if you are an enterprise whose profitability depends on it. This is an increasing need for products serving millions of consumers day-in and out.

Today there are proven algorithms which can do fair amount of Machine learning for sentiment analysis on text. This system embraces them, but its outlook is primarily on numerical data. Also, what emotions can be generated from the sentiments derived. A sentiment is usually positive, negative, neutral or graded within themselves. emotions can be further broken down in a sentiment. For eg., sad and fear are both negative sentiments. But, they are two completely different emotions.

This effort is more on emotions though sentiment analysis is part of it. To explain you more, can we make a machine which can say in relation to data:

  1. “Wow! this is interesting.”
  2. “There are more happy customers who ordered pizza than burger after 8PM.”
  3. “These new features on the product is making lot of consumers nervous.”
  4. “A particular division of the company is feeling pain without enough supply of goods for past 10hrs.”
  5. “This is bad, but lets be patient.”

These are some examples that we want to achieve in the long run, if not in the short. The idea is to make data alive which can say to you what your system is feeling in real-time.

Note: Camus is named after the philosopher Albert Camus. His idea on absurd has different interpretations by different people. But, generally it is agreed upon that absurd is the confrontation between self and the world. Absurd is the difference between desire and physical reality. Camus system hopefully will provide difference between your desire of outcome from your data and what actually is the reality of it.

