Entrepreneurs, why you need to backup your data

2 min readMay 1, 2018

In the past, data were written and stored in archive to keep a record of them. This was inefficient in many ways. The task was manually achieved, the authentic replication was not assured, the process required a lot of time.

Today we answered most of these problems thanks to digitizing, but most of your data are never backed-up and replicated even with a backup strategy in place.

77% of those companies who did test their tape backups found back-up failures. (Boston Computing Network, Data Loss Statistics)

The threat is simply to loose the data.

Risk management speaking, data-loss is an important factor. It’s part of the situation that can happen to everybody and we can’t neutralize this risk.

Thankfully we can reduce this by adopting an adequate backup strategy.

Datacube.io is the solution providing a proper backup service for the entrepreneurs.

Impact of data-loss

Business Failure

7 out of 10 small firms that experience a major data loss go out of business within a year. (DTI/Price waterhouse Coopers)

Entrepreneur’s running a start-up are very busy and have to focus on the most important tasks to keep their business alive. However, securing their data is not one of them. They usually convince themselves that it’s not urgent until it’s too late. Don’t make the same mistake.

Loss of Productivity

94% of companies suffering from a catastrophic data loss do not survive-43% never reopen and 51% close within two years. (University of Texas)

Imagine a scenario where you lost the data used to acquire client, without a backup in place you are dangerously putting your company at risk. Your sales people would not be able to contact their client and thus enable to make sales.

In the worst case, it can take your business down.

Loss of Reputation

When a data-loss is known the information can be spread quickly fast and damage your reputation permanently. It’s really hard for a company to regain it’s lost image and thus, endanger your business.

Loss of Client

A client whose data has been lost would probably go away from you. Once the news is know it will probably be hard to find new clients.

If we have caught your interest, I invite you to check out our product at www.datacube.io.

You can contact us on our telegram or at hello@datacube.io

Hope you enjoy :)




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