How to Access and Understand your Uber Data

3 min readJul 8, 2022


Due to recent data privacy laws, you can now request access to your Uber data. While Uber hides the ability to access your data deep within the website and app, DataEarn makes it easy as a click to access their request page. Once you access their page, here are a series of steps that allow you to not only request your data but also leverage DataEarn’s software to understand what information Uber has about you.

Access and Understand your Uber Data

  1. Click here and click “Access your data” for Uber.

2. Log into Uber

3. Enter your two-factor authentication code

4. Click “Request Your Data.”

5. Open your email and click “Download Data” to download your .zip file. Uber sends your data in about a day.

Once you have access to this file you can either manually go through the complex code or you can register an account with DataEarn and our algorithms will explain it to you in seconds!

Uber Ride Share Data
Uber Eats Data

7. To see this information, Register and Drag and Drop the file.

8. Click upload and your Uber DataCards will appear!

Congrats, you officially have ownership of your Uber data! You can see everything from Miles Traveled, Ride History, UberEats orders, Amount Spent, and more!

We also provide this solution for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Spotify!

What is to come

This summer we plan to add Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Tinder, and Netflix to our website.

We are in the process of building out a Data Value Metric System that will estimate the amount of Advertisement Revenue generated and your Audience value.

We will also be writing more articles about DataEarn!

Subscribe to learn more.

Thank you for reading!

If you missed our last article, view it here.

If you want to access your Snapchat data view this link.

Make sure you sign up for DataEarn on our website!




DataEarn allows everyone in the world to access, control, manage, and monetize their data.