What is DataEarn?

4 min readJun 9, 2022


Since the inception of the internet, there has never been a tool that allows you to access and control your personal data. Right now there are hundreds to thousands of companies that have access to your personal information, yet you have little to no control over how companies analyze and monetize your information. For decades companies have been using your personal data and selling it to advertisers and third parties unbeknownst to you. But what if there was a product out there that can put you in control.

DataEarn has built a solution to put control back in the users’ hands

On May 10th, we launched the first version of our product where we allow you to access, control, and manage your data. For the first time ever, you can access your Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Uber, and Spotify accounts and see all the information companies collect. You can see everything from your liked posts, to streaming history, to your targeted ads, to places you traveled, to which emotions they want to make you feel. The list goes on…

Our team is hyper passionate about democratizing data. We are data privacy geeks that want to empower and educate you on how companies are using your data against you and how you can reclaim ownership. After experiencing the first-hand effects of Cambridge Analytica, Equifax and countless data breaches our team wanted to end the lack of transparency companies give to their users. So we built a tool that puts you in power.

How it works

DataEarn makes accessing, understanding, opting out, and deleting your data effortless. We simplify this process by giving you a direct access link to the company you are requesting data from. This reduces the time it takes to manually navigate the website or company’s privacy policy, which can sometimes take hours to find.

After requesting your data, some companies will send you your data in minutes while others may take a day or two. Once you receive your information, you can upload your files to our website and our patent-pending algorithms will create a personalized dashboard. These dashboards or DataCards summarize all the files you uploaded and give you insights that make your data easy to understand.

Example of Instagram DataCards

Once you have uploaded two or more companies you can also see your data in aggregate across platforms.

Example of DataEarn Card

Once you have uploaded your data, you now have ownership! DataEarn not only gives you the ability to understand how companies are analyzing and monetizing your data, but also the ability to opt-out and delete your data.

We provide direct links to the company's “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” and “Delete Data” pages. This allows you to communicate with companies when you either no longer want websites to have access to your personal information, or you are no longer comfortable with them selling your data to other companies.

Legal and Data Privacy

Our team takes data privacy and data security very seriously. We will never use or sell your data without your consent. DataEarn uses state-of-the-art Microsoft Azure cloud computing software to protect your data. On our website, you can access and delete your data at any time on our platform. Our company leverages Data Privacy laws like General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to empower you to access, control, and delete your data from companies. As more legislation and regulations are implemented, the more power we can give back to you.

What is to come

This summer we are planning to add Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Tinder, and Netflix to our website.

We are in the process of building out a Data Value Metric System that will estimate the monetary value of your data and audience. This tool will also calculate how much companies profit off the advertisements you view.

We are in the process of building custom dashboards for creators, artists, and small businesses. Email us at team@dataearn.com if you would like a demo.

We plan to have the DataStore built out by the end of 2023 where individuals and companies will be able to upload this data and sell their information.

We will also be writing more articles about DataEarn!

Thank you for reading!

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DataEarn allows everyone in the world to access, control, manage, and monetize their data.