Dataeum Use Case #3

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3 min readJun 28, 2018

To better understand the entire range of possibilities that Dataeum provides, we are doing a series of Use Cases that are going to give a non-exhaustive set of examples, and here’s the next one.

Seamless On-sight Verification

Companies spend a lot of time effort and resources setting up their businesses. Challenges come from every side including from internal sources. Being aware of what is happening in the business and outside is of paramount importance in keeping challenges manageable and opportunities attainable. Many companies have a distribution network which means they have more risks to be aware of.

Let’s use a dairy company as an example and explore how Dataeum can support their operations positively. Milk by its nature is considered a perishable commodity, this means it has to be looked after carefully at every stage of its distribution to customers. Monitoring of the deliveries is an ongoing exercise where if issues arise they are communicated to the logistics department. Through Dataeum, the milk company would have access to additional information regarding their routes. If there was to be an accident along a route, which could delay deliveries of milk, it might first be announced on radio. The fleet manager would need to understand how this accident might affect his delivery trucks going on that route. Data collectors from Dataeum would be able to relay verified information to the fleet manager of the milk company. The data would include images of the alternate roads moving away from the accident – so it can be assed if there is another way around the accident for the milk to be delivered on time.

Once the milk has been delivered the product managers might want to ensure that their product is placed in the best positions in the dairy section of the retail outlets. Dataeum collectors can visit designated outlets to document and verify through their two-step process. The first data collector photographs the dairy section, and a second collector photographs the same dairy section. This process works as a method of verifying the collected data. Once a product manager sees the Dataeum data, they can contact the retailer to correct an issue if necessary. The same data is also useful for compiling different kinds of reports. The milk company can see the growth of a product over time, or measure what day of the week most of the milk gets bought. An incentive is also issued to the collectors once the company accesses the data, this is in the form of XDT Tokens which is a seamless transaction.

It can happen that a tweet might come from a person who says they discovered something wrong with milk from a specific retailer. Since the Dataeum app empowers anyone with a smart phone to become a data collector, the collector community would be able to visit the retailer very quickly. They would then take images of the milk packaging to verify if the retail outlet was practicing good stock rotation and monitoring. This flow of information gives the Milk company deeper knowledge of their product at every part of their distribution network. The information comes quickly is verified and gives the Milk company an advantage in maintaining its logistics and planning around challenges.



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