Boom Curtains Are Protective Coverings Used For Guarding Water Bodies Near A Construction Site Or Oil Refineries

Ben Wood
2 min readFeb 3, 2022


Boom curtains are used all over the world, including in regions such as Germany, Singapore, and Italy. Boom curtains are a great solution for the protection of water bodies during construction. Boom curtains are durable and UV resistant. These curtains are customized according to the water conditions and offer crumble-free closed-cell flotation. Boom curtains are used in bridge construction, and civil works near waterways, and also around offshore and onshore oil fields. In regions such as Mexico, the prevalence of oil refineries has increased the usage of boom curtains. For instance, according to Oxford Business Group, there are currently 6 oil refineries in Mexico.

According to the “Coherent Market Insights” Global Industry Insights, Trends, Outlook, and Opportunity Analysis of Boom Curtain Market.

Boom Curtain Market
Boom Curtain Market

Boom curtains are a floating barrier that prevents the release of oil, gas, and other substances into the water. The boom is used in coastal waters to minimize the chance of pollution of shorelines and other resources. Its height is usually less than 36 inches, but larger models are available for offshore applications. The total height of the boom curtains is usually determined by their type and the height of their skirt. A curtain boom can be up to 60 feet tall, but they are typically only used for on-shore use.

Boom curtains come in two types: floating curtain booms and permanent curtain booms. The floating Boom is often made of foam that is bolted to the fabric. The skirt is constructed of a belting-type material with high tensile strength. The bottom is covered with a short skirt to prevent oil from escaping from the area. Oftentimes, permanent booms must be towed by a boat or a towboat. The permanent boom is bulkier than a floating one, but they are intended for long-term use. However, a temporary installation will still require periodic cleaning and maintenance.

The boom curtains are a lightweight and inexpensive option. The foam-filled boom is ideal for inland water environments and is sometimes referred to as a contractor boom. This type of boom is made of PVC or urethane and comes with a round or rectangular float. The bottom part of the curtain boom is made of rolled polyethylene and will not crush. It is suitable for use in inland waters with low wave action.

