Datamate Infosolutions LLC
2 min readMay 18, 2018


Pharmacy Management System is a pharmacy software designed for any pharmacy. This software is used for pharmacy data management. They are defined as computer systems designed specifically for pharmacy departmental use, with functionality for the management of pharmacy and dispensing processes, such as medicine labeling, patient medication records, decision support for drug interactions and other warnings, stock control, ward inventory management, order processing and functions to support pharmacy manufacturing processes in hospitals.

The current Pharmacy system is done manually i.e. almost all works on the pharmacy organization is done by papers. Thus, for medicine data search in order to buy, audit, and other related works. Here the data’s can be accessed anyone who entered to the pharmacy like friends or other people having no relationship to pharmacist. The pharmacists work in tedious situation because of the upper reasons. By this method arrangement of medicine on the shelf is not efficient. In this system almost, all pharmacies do not use computerized system but have a computer for giving bills when medicine is sold to the user. Also, by using this system there is a difficulty to store the data so that recovery of necessary data is difficult which wastes resources as well as time. So generally, the current system does not arrange medicine in systematic way, does not store the medicine appropriate data, security for the data is low, does not indicate how much medicine is needed and sold quickly and efficiently.

The pharmacy management system is implemented in order to replace manual based system to computerize. The system is efficient, useful and affordable on implementing tasks ordered by the pharmacy manager. It provides functions on identify medication usages instruction, minimize human errors in medication safety, facilitate accessibility of drugs information and information management among employees, providing optimal drugs movement in pharmacy unit, enable reports with in significantly short period of time, despite simultaneous usage of database for the purpose stated above. The system will solve the problem of the current system by minimizing time wastage and reduce resources which simply change manual based system to computerized system. It also monitors the drug’s movement history, thus leads to better inventory management of money allocated for the purchase of drugs.

Compared to the current manual system, the implementation of Pharmacy management system will reduce the time spent for paperwork, leading to concentration on improving pharmaceutical care of patients, especially emphasis on patients counseling and patient medication monitoring. It will be greatly embraced by the pharmacy profession as it is one giant leap towards pharmaceutical care of patients.

Datamate Infosolutions LLC is a software development and services company specialised in the development of software products to Health care and Hospitality industries.

