How maximizes availability for adjust with Anycast
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2016


Case Study Summary Anycast is the best solution for mobile app tracking platform adjust. deployed Anycast between adjust data centers in Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Resulting in maximum availability with:

  • under 10 seconds failover scenario
  • average uptime increasing
  • scalability and flexibility are maximized
  • no session lost

About adjust

Adjust is the business intelligence platform mobile app marketers love. It combines attribution for advertising sources with advanced in-app analytics and store statistics for unbeatable marketing insights.

The Challenges

Adjust has two data centers — the first one in Frankfurt and the second one in Amsterdam.

The company looked for a way to maximize availability and uptime because it is one of the most important aspects of the service:

“We do mobile app tracking and we promise to our customers real-time updates of the dashboard. We have a constantly incoming stream, and with a DNS solution, if one data center will go down, we won’t be able to completely failover to the other datacenter for one hour or even longer. It’s totally unacceptable for us and our customers. The most important part for us is the uptime,” — Robert Abraham, Head of IT Operations adjust.

How solution helped

Adjust decided to go with the Anycast solution from, which can be used for failover and load balancing. Before Anycast adjust compared other possible solutions, but none of them were appropriate for different reasons:

“We evaluated several solutions. One of them was over DNS. We didn’t want to use it, because it was very slow due to the TTLs. We quickly chose the Anycast solution, because BGP lease times are very short. Only a few seconds. We need to be sure that we have as high of an uptime as possible to guarantee the quality of our service to our customers,” — Robert Abraham, Head of IT Operations adjust.

adjust uptime statistics by

The Results Anycast increased the availability of the adjust services, and protected their system from failure. This DNS failover architecture reduced failover times to less than 10 seconds.

“Our targeted availability should be as high as possible. Usually, we are looking for 99.99%. With Anycast average uptime is going up and it helps us to achieve our goals,” — Robert Abraham, Head of IT Operations adjust.

Anycast opens many possibilities for adjust through load balancing. Adjust can schedule maintenance, route German traffic directly to the German data center according to the privacy requirements, and direct the traffic between data centers. In the future, adjust is planning to expand to its third data center. In this case, the Anycast solution will also be valuable and useful.

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