Milestones Plan: Biometric Protection and Artificial Intelligence Implementation

Datarius Сryptobank
2 min readDec 14, 2017


Biometric Protection

To increase the level of protection, we plan to introduce a biometric protection system. We’ll do this upon raising $ 20,000,000 during the ITO.

To protect data through biometric authentication, each customer can order a device that will transfer necessary data to our system servers for authorization. The user no longer needs to remember long passwords and think about their storage — biometric authentication combines a high level of security and ease of everyday use.

We are now reviewing the suppliers of biometric scanners and are negotiating with them.

Artificial Intelligence Implementation

In addition to blockchain, Datarius will also use neural networks and artificial intelligence. AI positively addresses the important challenges, facilitating the interaction between the user and the system, and increasing security.

Artificial intelligence evaluates the ongoing transactions 24 hours a day. In case of attempted fraud, it blocks the user and requests the additional data to resolve the situation. In cases where a genuine dispute does exist, the information is transmitted to operators to consider a particular user and make a decision.
The needs of all users are different, so we created a tariff designer and get the artificial intelligence involved in this task. It allows the system to analyze data on users’ behavior and preferences and to offer them the most relevant services, for example, specific loans or portfolio investments.

Using AI when handling large volumes of data on previous transactions and analyzing participant profiles increases the chances to predict the success of a future transaction. Depending on the anticipated risks, the system independently determines limitations, such as the amount of available trust limits, credit limits, deposit and withdrawal restrictions, the maximum loan amount when transferring an application to a higher level listing, and other parameters.

Fee calculation

Artificial intelligence independently determines fee, using the completeness of data on the risks and participants’ profiles of each transaction. It accounts both for the data on a particular transaction, and for the previous transactions analysis and participants behavior patterns.

This approach allows developing a special system of relations between the user and the Datarius system, where the fee depends not only on the formal parameters, but also on the customer’s loyalty.

Artificial intelligence will be fully responsible for transferring applications from the Listing 3 to the Listing 2. In the self-learning process, AI will take into account all new factors, affecting the risk level for each transaction. This will ensure a high level of accuracy when assessing safety and soundness of a loan.

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