Security Automation: Another reason for why you should learn ML asap.

We know that Machine Learning is the most popular field in today’s generation, it is being accepted and implemented in various industries especially in healthcare, ML is performing exceptionally in the medical field by detecting cancerous cells in patients at the earliest stage and predicting future pandemics or threat outbreak in prior so that the management could take precautionary methods. Even to this point, ML is helping the humanity by contributing its potential on predicting corona virus contamination and in finding vaccines against the virus. All of this makes Machine Learning to be desirable because we know that this technology will be the face of future digitalized world. Security Automation is a branch of ML which is one among all the things that makes us believe a career in ML will be strongly secured. Security automation is indicating to be the next big thing in the future, after knowing about it you will realize how much important it is to become a part of it.

Security Automation
It is the security provided to the organizations by machines that are capable to handle any type of cyber threat on its own, the process happens without demanding for external inputs and recommendations. The security of the environment will be maintained automatically by the machines as they are swift in detecting threats and doesn’t delay in reacting to solve it.

These machines handles the prominent tasks of a security analyst which is to be always vigilant towards any sort of threat through any medium or platform, but this was not being successfully maintained manually by security analysts because cyber threat happens to occur within every 38 seconds, it was impossible to manually track each and every of those threats. Due to the inability of paying enough attention to every cyber threat the chances of corruption and data breading to happen got high, this happened to be a serious concern to the management because no threat could be afforded to be ignored. There was a desperate requirement for a tool that could resolve this threatening concern, that is when security automation came into existence.

This tool of technology is not something that is unheard of, there are chances of even you to have used tools that are similar to this in your system or mobile. I am talking about the mobiles apps that protects our system from viruses and malware junk. System automation also works the same way but with so much more advanced ability and systematic approach towards the concerns related to huge organisations.

How does it work?
There will be different concerns regarding cyber threat in different organisations, so they will have the benefit to train the security automation system only for the incidents that are most concerning to them, the system could be made to work only for the existing concerns. The system will be always vigilantly alert towards catching the expected threats, they will self analyze the type of threats and will decide whether that should be handled by itself or to be passed to the organization. It will have the intelligence to identify the level of threats, if a threat is not seriously alarming or if it is an usual one, the machine will tackle it on its own but if any threats are alarming or should be reported to the organization, it will do no delay in doing it. The best part is that the machines takes only seconds of time to do all these tasks.

  1. Security automation helps the security analysts in saving their time from performing the recurring tasks. Some threats will be usual and expected which could be handled with specific tasks process, before this technology the security analysts had to manually invest on handling such expected threats and concerns. Due to the help of this technology the experts will get ample time to invest on much greater things like inventing a much efficient systems or indulging in value added projects.
  2. It will never ignore any threat. As I informed earlier, cyber threat happens to occur in every 38 seconds which is indeed impossible to manage manually, due to this overwhelming amount of threats the experts would end up getting frustrated. This manual inability would make thousands of threats to go unnoticed but due to security automation each and every threat will be noticed and will be responded.
  3. This will altogether improve the ROI in security management because, the experts will be left with plenty of time to invest it on much greater purpose towards the organization.

Is security automation the ultimate source of security?
Security automation is a revolutionary technology that must be adopted by the organisations or companies to be safe from the ever growing cyber threats. This technology is great in order to be safe from the recurring concerns of threats but we cannot expect it to act wisely on complex security problems, simply because it is not yet developed to an extent of handling the complex problems without cracking itself. Security experts and analysts are essentially required in the frame, they could only have the intelligence to perform against the complex threats. Security experts are currently not the ultimatum for all the concerns on the cyber threats but they could be in the future. Irrespective of how much the technology will evolve, the essential requirement for security analysts will always exists because, as the technology of protection evolves the technology of hacking will also evolve proportionally, so the need of expert minds to handle the complexities will always be there.

Conclusion: Security Automation is a revolutionary technology happened in the security management field, in future, this will grow to greater extents, this being a part of machine learning, indicates the growth of the field and the importance of learning it. All of this indicates that machine learning will provide ample opportunities to acquire secured careers for those that are a part of it.

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