Who could learn Data Science?

Those who have an education and work domain related to IT could only think of becoming a Data scientist, that statement is a blatant lie and also a very popular myth among people. To be really frank, marketers are making Data Science look very difficult and unreachable, I agree that it could be demanding and has a lengthy and extreme process to learn but it is not as difficult as it has been made to look like.

Repeat after me, Data Science can be studied by anyone who is willing to strive hard with determination and persistence towards learning it. 42% of the present data scientists are from non-IT background, which I think couldn’t have been possible if the field was exaggerated even in the past as it is done today. Years before only a few nations had the privilege of the technology of data science, the field wasn’t much heard of, so there were ample opportunities for people to enter into the field with the right kind of education and preparation for the field. So in the ratio, nearly half of the present data scientists are from non-IT backgrounds.

Fact check: Anyone could do Data Science!

Even you could do Data Science irrespective of your background of education and job domain, because to keep it in one line, Data Science doesn’t really care about your background, all it does is for your present knowledge in the field. So does that mean doing data science is easy? As I said in earlier, the field demands a lot from you and that could be difficult.

Data Science is neither easy nor difficult, it lays somewhere in between but you could get it easy if your way of approach is right and appropriate. Data Science is a multidisciplinary field, it deals with different types of data using various methods and techniques of various fields, the aim of it is to reach to the solution for the issues present in the business sector.

Various fields involved in Data Science

It is Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Warehousing, Predictive analysis, Business Intelligence and Computer Science. I guess now it will be clear to you about what I mean when I say the process of learning data science is lengthy. Not everything of these fields are involved, only some of their processes will be involved in data science.

Getting back to the point of anyone could do data science, it is because the methods, tools and techniques used in the field are different and unique compared to other fields of IT, you will have to separately prepare for the field even if you belong from the IT sector. People that come from the IT sector will find it easier to blend in and to gain programming knowledge, those who are from non-IT sector could get hasty while in the process because the field is demanding and quick but with the right training anyone could triumph at the end.

Is it compulsory for everyone to separately learn Data Science?

Yes, since data science is a multi-disciplined field the implementation of methods and techniques done in here will be different from any other IT field. Those methods should be learnt properly by the aspirants, irrespective of their education and professional background. Compulsion of learning the field is necessary and similar to everyone but the journey of doing it will be different based on the individual’s knowledge in programming and coding.

Some renowned roles in Data Science and their necessary skills

  1. Data Scientist
  2. Data Analyst

3. Business Analyst

4. Machine Learning Engineer

5. Product Data Manager

Data Scientist

Or could be called the most popular role in Data Science, they truly hold a very significant role as they have a great purpose to serve. Data Scientists will have to deal with abundant sizes of data, methodically finding rational value out of raw data by processing them and datasets. Their aim is to resolve issues related to the business sector.

Required skill set: Python, R programming, statistics (SAS), Apache to handle data sets. MATLAB, Tableau and others.

Data Analyst

They analyse the data that gets gathered from different platforms, they collect data in its raw form as unidentified, clumsy, confusing and huge. They will have to inspect, clean, transform and structure the data in order to fetch useful and refined information. Their goal is to discover the hidden gems of data in useless looking data and understanding the hidden patterns in data by pensively working onto them.

Required skill set: SAS, Rapidminer, R and other tools.

Business Analyst

A Business Analyst dwells into maintaining the business domain of a targeted business or of the company. They document and assess the business related queries with the help of technology, overall focusing on keeping the business steady with the help of data.

Required skill sets: Ms office suite, Google Docs, SmartDraw, SWOT and other tools.

Machine learning engineer

They are known to be the software engineers that are specialized in machine learning. Their job is to enhance the intelligence of the machines in making them self-dependent and self-assisting by upgrading them, frequently testing numerous numbers of patterned problems using them. The more a machine is tested, the more it is intelligent, so the core goal of a ML engineer is the machines and bringing life of intelligence to them.

Required skill sets: Probability statistics, Data modelling, Tableau, algorithms of AI, ML and DL along with many other tools.

Product data manager

They will be responsible for all the projects that take place in their field of authority, they look after management and publication of product data using every insight that regards the product.

Required skill sets: Microsoft visio, Google Drive, analysis tools like pendo, customer survey tools and other tools.


You do not have to hesitate to desire Data Science just because of being from a non-IT background, with the right kind of training and assistance anyone could be eligible to become a part of the field. All you need to have is the right source of training and information.

Learnbay could help you

The Data Science course of Learnbay is a very inclusive course as it involves various methodologies of different fields and sub-fields. Learnbay powered by IBM will help you throughout the journey of learning and experiencing data science.



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It provides detailed knowledge upon Data science and Artificial intelligence. Learners will be enriched by knowledge also being certified by IBM.