A Guide to Natural Language Processing: Understanding Key Processing Steps

Data Science Delight
4 min readNov 21, 2023


Welcome to our exploration of the fascinating world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the key steps involved in transforming raw text into meaningful insights.

In this blog post, we’ll break down the intricate process of understanding and analyzing language using six essential NLP steps.

Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

Without wasting any further time, let’s dive into the steps. Let’s explore the world of NLP with a clear example:

Step 1: Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of breaking down a text into individual words or tokens, which are the basic units for analysis.

It is the foundational step where we dissect sentences into individual words or tokens.

Imagine taking the sentence “Understanding NLP Processing” and breaking it into distinct units: [“Understanding”, “NLP”, “Processing”]. These tokens act as fundamental units for subsequent analysis.


  • Search Engines: Breaking down user queries and documents into tokens for efficient search results.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing customer reviews by tokenizing the text to understand sentiments at a granular level.

Step 2: Text Cleaning

Text Cleaning is responsible for preprocessing the text data to remove irrelevant information, such as special characters, punctuation, and stop words.

To ensure the purity of our analysis, we begin on the journey of text cleaning.

This involves the removal of unnecessary elements such as punctuation, special characters, and extra whitespaces.

The cleaned text ensures that our analysis focuses on the essence of the language without any distractions.


  • Data Preprocessing: Cleaning and preparing text data for machine learning models.
  • Information Retrieval: Improving the accuracy of search algorithms by removing noise from the text.
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Step 3: Part-of-Speech Tagging (POS Tagging)

POS Tagging is the process of assigning parts of speech (e.g., noun, verb, adjective) to each token in a text to understand grammatical structure.

Grammatical categories are assigned to each word through the process of part-of-speech tagging.

For instance, “Understanding” might be tagged as a verb, “NLP” as a noun, and “Processing” as another verb.

This step aids in deciphering the syntactic structure of our text.


  • Grammar Correction: Identifying and correcting grammatical errors in text.
  • Named Entity Recognition: Enhancing the precision of NER by considering the part of speech of each token.

Step 4: Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Identifying and classifying entities (e.g., names of people, organizations, locations) in the text is referred to as NER.

Our text is rich with entities — names of people, organizations, locations, and more.

NER identifies and classifies these entities, transforming unstructured text into a structured format.

For instance, “Natural Language Processing” might be recognized as an organization.


  • Information Extraction: Identifying and classifying entities for extracting structured information from unstructured text.
  • Question Answering Systems: Recognizing entities to provide accurate answers to user queries.

Step 5: Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis determines the sentiment or emotional tone expressed in a piece of text, whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.

Next is to dive into the emotions expressed in our text with sentiment analysis.

This step evaluates whether the tone is positive, negative, or neutral.

For example, “This blog is insightful and informative!”, It would probably be categorized as expressing a positive sentiment.


  • Social Media Monitoring: Analyzing user sentiments on platforms like Twitter to understand public opinion.
  • Customer Feedback Analysis: Evaluating sentiments in product reviews to gauge customer satisfaction.
Photo by Domingo Alvarez E on Unsplash

Step 6: Text Classification

Text classification assigns predefined categories or labels to documents based on their content, used for tasks like spam detection or topic categorization.

To organize our content effectively, we employ text classification. This step automatically categorizes our articles into predefined sections.

For instance, an article discussing the NLP process might be classified under the “Technology” section.


  • Spam Detection: Automatically categorizing emails or messages as spam or not.
  • Topic Categorization: Organizing news articles or blog posts into relevant categories for easy navigation.

Conclusion: Engage and Stay Tuned!

These six processing steps empower us to extract meaning, identify entities, understand sentiments, and organize content effectively. Stay tuned for further insights, tutorials, and practical applications.

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And here’s an exciting proposition for you — if you are eager for a more hands-on, practical exploration of these 6 steps with detailed explanations, express your interest by commenting “part 2” below!

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Data Science Delight

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