Dictionary Data Type in Python

Rina Mondal
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Dictionary is a built in data type in Python mainly used for mapping purpose. In a dictionary, each key must be unique and is associated with a corresponding value. The combination of a key and its associated value is referred to as a “key-value pair." Let’s dive deep.

Creation of a Dictionary:

Dictionary can be created in many ways. Dictionaries are defined using curly braces {} and a colon : to separate keys and values.

#Creating a dictionary in various ways

# empty dictionary
d = {}
#Output: {}

# 1D dictionary
d1 = { 'name' : 'john' ,'gender' : 'male' }
#Output: {'name':'john','gender':'male'}

# with mixed keys
d2 = {(1,2,3):1,'hello':'world'}
#Output: {(1,2,3):1,'hello':'world'}

# 2D dictionary
s = {
'college':'calcutta university',

{'name': 'john',
'college': 'calcutta university',
'semester': 4,
'subjects': {'dsa': 50, 'maths': 67, 'english': 34}

# using sequence and dict function
d4 = dict([('name','john'),('age',32),(3,3)])
#Output: {'name':'john','age':32,3:3}

# duplicate keys
d5 = {'name':'john','name':'rahul'}
#Output: {'name':'rahul'} #dictionary keys must be unique
#but if we try to create, it will keep the last key-value

# mutable items as keys
d6 = {'name':'john',(1,2,3):2}
#Output: {'name':'john',(1,2,3):2}

Accessing items:

If you want to access specific items from the nested dictionary, you can use square brackets [] to navigate through the keys.

my_dict = {'name': 'Jack', 'age': 26}
#Output: 26

# also access age by get keyword
# Output: 26

Adding key-value pair:

To add a new key-value pair to the dictionary , you can simply use the square bracket notation to assign a value to a new key.

d4 = dict([('name','john'),('age',32),(3,3)])
d4['gender'] = 'male'

#Output - {'name':'john','age':32,3:3,'gender':'male'}
#Adding key-value pair in 2D dictionary
s = {
'college':'calcutta university',
s['subjects']['ds'] = 75

{'name': 'john',
'college': 'calcutta university',
'sem': 4,
'subjects': {'dsa': 50, 'maths': 67, 'english': 34, 'ds': 75}}

Remove key-value pair:

pop() method: To remove a specific key-value pair.

popitem() method : To remove and return the last key-value pair.

del method: To delete a specific key and its corresponding value, or it can also delete the entire dictionary.

clear() method: used to remove all items from a dictionary, leaving it empty. It does not delete the dictionary itself, it just removes all key-value pairs.

d={'name':'john', 'age':32,'gender':'male', 'weight':72}
# pop

{'name':'john', 'gender':'male', 'weight':72}

# popitem

{'name':'john', 'age':32, 3:3, 'gender':'male'}

# del
del d['name']

{'age':32, 3:3, 'gender':'male', 'weight':72}

# clear


#Remove key-value pair in 2D dictionary
s = {
'college':'calcutta university',
del s['subjects']['maths']

{'name': 'john',
'college': 'calcutta university',
'sem': 4,
'subjects': {'dsa': 50, 'english': 34, 'ds': 75}}

Editing key-value pair: To edit a key-value pair in a dictionary, you can simply assign a new value to the desired key.

s = {
'college':'calcutta university',
s['subjects']['dsa'] = 80

{'name': 'john',
'college': 'calcutta university',
'sem': 4,
'subjects': {'dsa': 80, 'english': 34, 'ds': 75}}

Dictionary Operations:

Membership: In Python, you can use the in and not in operators to check for membership in a dictionary. These operators check whether a specified key is present in the dictionary.

s = {
'college':'calcutta university',
print('name' in s)


Iteration: You can iterate over the keys, values, or key-value pairs.

d = {'name':'john','gender':'male','age':33}
for i in d:


for i in d:

name john
gender male
age 33

Dictionary Functions:

len/max/min/sorted can be performed on dictionary data types.

d = {'name':'john','gender':'male','age':33}
#Output: 3

#Output: age

#Output: name

sorted(d) #sorts the keys of the dictionary d alphabetically
#Output: ['age', 'gender', 'name']
# To fetch items/keys/values
d = {'name':'john','gender':'male','age':33}

dict_items([('name', 'john'), ('gender', 'male'), ('age', 33)])
dict_keys(['name', 'gender', 'age'])
dict_values(['john', 'male', 33])

#update a dictionary
d1 = {1:2,3:4,4:5}
d2 = {4:7,6:8}

{1: 2, 3: 4, 4: 7, 6: 8}


  1. Mutable: Dictionaries are mutable, meaning you can add, modify, or remove key-value pairs after the dictionary is created. We have seen examples above.
  2. Unique Key-Value Pairs: Each element in a dictionary consists of a key-value pair. The key is used to access its associated value. Keys must be unique within a dictionary.
  3. Flexible Key Types: Keys can be of any immutable data type (strings, numbers, or tuples containing only immutable elements). Values can be of any data type, including other dictionaries.

Dictionary Comprehension:

Dictionary comprehension is a concise way to create dictionaries in Python using a single line of code. It follows a similar syntax to list comprehension but results in a dictionary.

# The general syntax for dictionary comprehension is:
{key_expression: value_expression for item in iterable}
#print 1st 10 numbers and their squares
{i:i**2 for i in range(1,11)}

{1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9, 4: 16, 5: 25, 6: 36, 7: 49, 8: 64, 9: 81, 10: 100}

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Rina Mondal

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