Understanding the Not Null Constraint in Database Tables

DataScience Nexus
7 min readOct 26, 2023


Databases are at the heart of modern information systems. They allow us to store, manage, and retrieve data efficiently. Within a database, tables play a pivotal role in organizing information, and the structure of these tables is defined by columns with specific attributes and constraints. In this article, we will delve into one particular constraint: the not null constraint. We will explore its significance, how to apply it, and its impact on the integrity of your database tables.

-- Create the database

-- Use the database
USE CompaniesDB;

-- Create the Company table
CompanyName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
HeadquartersAddress VARCHAR(255),
Phone VARCHAR(15)

-- Create the Employee table
CompanyID INT,

-- Insert data into the Company table
INSERT INTO Company (CompanyName, HeadquartersAddress, Phone)
('Company A', '123 Main St, City A', '(123) 456-7890'),
('Company B', '456 Elm St, City B', '(456) 789-0123'),
('Company C', '789 Oak St, City C', '(789) 012-3456'),
('Company D', '987 Pine St, City D', '(987) 654-3210'),
('Company E', '654 Cedar St, City E', '(654) 321-0987');

-- Insert data into the Employee table
INSERT INTO Employee (FirstName, LastName, CompanyID)
('John', 'Doe', 1), -- Employee of Company A
('Jane', 'Smith', 1), -- Employee of Company A
('Mike', 'Johnson', 2), -- Employee of Company B
('Emily', 'Wilson', 3), -- Employee of Company C
('David', 'Lee', 2), -- Employee of Company B
('Sarah', 'Brown', 1), -- Employee of Company A
('Chris', 'Miller', 4), -- Employee of Company D
('Olivia', 'Taylor', 5), -- Employee of Company E
('Ethan', 'Anderson', 5), -- Employee of Company E
('Sophia', 'Harris', 3), -- Employee of Company C
('Liam', 'Moore', 2), -- Employee of Company B
('Ava', 'Clark', 4), -- Employee of Company D
('Noah', 'Lewis', 1), -- Employee of Company A
('Mia', 'Allen', 5), -- Employee of Company E
('James', 'Young', 2); -- Employee of Company B

The Distinction between Primary and Unique Keys

Before we delve into the not null constraint, let’s quickly recap the difference between primary and unique keys. These two constraints are used to ensure data integrity within a database:

  1. Primary Key: A primary key is a column or a set of columns that uniquely identifies each row in a table. The primary key constraint enforces two critical rules: all values in the primary key column(s) must be unique, and they cannot be null. This means that you cannot have any duplicate values in the primary key column, and every row must have a value in this column.
  2. Unique Key: A unique key, on the other hand, enforces uniqueness, but it allows for null values. This means that all values in the unique key column(s) must be unique, but you can have records with null values in this column.

The Not Null Constraint

The not null constraint is a crucial aspect of maintaining data integrity in a database. It ensures that a specific column in a table cannot contain null values. When you insert or update data in a column with the not null constraint, you are required to provide a valid value, and leaving it empty is not an option. This constraint is typically used for columns that must contain essential information.

Let’s illustrate the application of the not null constraint with an example. Imagine we have a table for storing company details, and it has three columns: Company ID, Company Name, and Headquarters Phone Number.

Company ID is set as the primary key, ensuring that each company is uniquely identified. However, for the Company Name column, we want to apply the not null constraint to ensure that we always have the company’s name.

Applying the Not Null Constraint

To apply the not null constraint to the Company Name column, we need to specify it when creating the table. Here’s the syntax for creating the company’s table:

-- Create the Company table
CompanyName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
HeadquartersAddress VARCHAR(255),
Phone VARCHAR(15)

In this example, we’ve set the data type for the CompanyName column as VARCHAR with a length of 255 and added the NOT NULL constraint. This means that every row in the table must have a non-null value in the CompanyName column.

The Importance of Data Type Length

You might wonder why we used VARCHAR(255) for the CompanyName column. It’s important to note that you don’t always need to use the maximum length for a VARCHAR data type to improve performance. In practice, you should choose a length that accommodates your data while avoiding excessive storage requirements. In this case, a length of 255 is deemed sufficient for company names.

Dropping the Not Null Constraint

Sometimes, you may need to remove the not null constraint from a column. To do this, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement. The syntax to remove the not null constraint from the CompanyName column would look like this:

ALTER TABLE companies MODIFY CompanyName VARCHAR(255) NULL;

This statement modifies the CompanyName column to allow null values. After executing this statement, if you check the Data Definition Language (DDL) for the table, you’ll notice that the not null constraint is no longer indicated next to the CompanyName field.

Adding the Not Null Constraint Through ALTER TABLE

Conversely, if you want to add the not null constraint to a column that previously allowed null values, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement. Here's the syntax to add the not null constraint to the CompanyName column:

ALTER TABLE companies CHANGE CompanyName CompanyName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;

With this statement, the not null constraint is enforced, and any attempt to insert or update data in the CompanyName column with a null value will result in an error.

Practical Application

Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s see the not null constraint in action. Suppose we attempt to insert a row with data that omits the CompanyName value:

INSERT INTO companies (HeadquartersPhoneNumber) VALUES ('(123) 456-7890');

Upon executing this query, MySQL will signal an error, stating that “Field ‘CompanyName’ doesn’t have a default value.” This error message informs us that we must insert a valid data value in the CompanyName field.

Correcting the Mistake

To rectify the error, we need to provide a value for the CompanyName:

INSERT INTO companies (CompanyName, HeadquartersPhoneNumber) VALUES ('Company A', '(123) 456-7890');

This time, when we rerun the query, there are no errors. As we inspect the table, we see our new entry: Company A with its associated headquarters phone number.


In this article, we’ve explored the not null constraint and its significance in maintaining data integrity within database tables. By ensuring that specific columns cannot contain null values, the not null constraint plays a vital role in upholding the quality and completeness of your data. We’ve seen how to apply and remove this constraint, as well as its practical application in preventing null values in essential data fields.

Understanding the not null constraint is just one aspect of effective database design and management. As you delve deeper into the world of databases, you’ll encounter various constraints and techniques that help you create well-structured, reliable data storage systems. Stay tuned for more insights into the world of databases and data management.

Understanding Null Values in Databases

In the world of databases, the concept of null values is essential to understand. In the previous part, we discussed the not null constraint and its role in ensuring that certain columns cannot contain null values. In this continuation, we will explore null values in more depth and distinguish them from other values like zero or non-response.

What Is a Null Value?

In the context of databases, a null value is not the same as zero or none. Instead, think of a null value as a missing value. Zero or none can be values assigned by a user or a system, whereas null is a value assigned by the computer when the user has provided no value for a specific record.

To illustrate this distinction, let’s consider a practical example. Suppose we have a table named “Customers,” and it includes a column for the number of complaints filed. If John McKinley has filed zero complaints, you would insert the value zero into the complaints column. This does not mean the value is null; it’s a valid value, specifically zero. The information in this field for the first record is not null; it means that John has indeed filed no complaints.

Differentiating Null from Non-Response

Now, let’s take a step further. Imagine there is an additional column called “Feedback,” and this column is optional. The first three customers have provided some feedback, but Catherine explicitly mentioned that she did not want to leave any feedback.

Does this mean Catherine’s feedback value is null? The answer is no. In this case, her response is valid, and you can mark it as “none” to indicate her choice not to provide feedback. If Catherine had not responded at all, then the value would be null, signifying a true lack of information.

In summary, null values represent the absence of data. They are not placeholders for zero or a lack of response but indicate a situation where no data has been provided or recorded.

The Journey Ahead

With this, we conclude our discussion of the not null constraint and delve further into the world of databases. As we move forward in this course, we’ll focus on coding style and best programming practices, emphasizing clean coding. Maintaining well-structured and reliable data storage systems is crucial for effective database management.

In the upcoming segments, we will explore real-world databases hosted on platforms like GitHub, delving into the exciting realm of data manipulation. This is where theory meets practical application, and we gain the skills to extract valuable insights and information from databases.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more insights and knowledge on database management and development.



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