Get every detail of the competitor in one Excel Sheet

Data Sunday
2 min readDec 13, 2019

How the idea is if you have all details of the competitor’s sales and what people think about or if you are researching what type of product will do good for your business and what is in trend. Your life will become quite easy after getting in-depth information, analyzing which you can tweak your sales strategy. Knowing the selling prices at which people buy the product is quite helpful when you have to change your sales graph from downward to upward. Alternatively if you at a stage where you want to set up a business but unsure about what will bring you’re the profits. Taobao/ Tmall is one of the most popular business-to-consumer online retail online shopping websites owned by Alibaba Group, It is a platform for China and international businesses to sell brand name goods to consumers. There are thousands of the products listed at cheap rates and it is the third most visited website, so with a site rating third just imagine you select and resell the products from this huge website and be sure to achieve your sales goals by installing and chrome extension. Now easily extract the important information of the product list of your competitor, any other brand, products in any product specification, customer review of a specific product.

The dynamic informed that is generates in just a few seconds, doing it manually would take days to derive the data. The data is exported in simple editable excel format, analyzing which helps you with competitor analysis and capture the strong and weak areas of your competitors and how and where you need to improve. This can help to provide both offensive and defensive strategic meaning to identify opportunities and threats.

The best part is that you can download the excel sheet and upload it on to the other marketplaces where you feel your product can do well after changing the price keeping your margin.

Since the feedbacks are also downloaded at once, you have a fair idea of which products are trending and will make good sales. It is important to understand what a customer feels about the seller and products. You will also get an idea of how many resellers and competitors are selling the same products and in the same market.

From there you can make your own strategy and get rolling!



Data Sunday

Data Sunday is a business intelligence product that enables you to collect the most up-to-date product, transaction and customer behavior data in excel format.