Keyword Research

5 min readJan 14, 2023


In this guide, we’ll explain why keywords are important for your success as an Amazon seller. Then we’ll share four Amazon keyword tips you can use to conduct better Amazon keyword research.

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Most ecommerce platform(like amazon) works on a particular search algorithm which helps buyers to see relevant products w.r.t. Search they have made on the platform.

The most relevant, high-converting products are the ones that win the top spots. A high-converting product, as you know, is one that actually convinces prospects to buy after they’ve clicked through to the product details page.

How are Amazon keywords related to product relevance?

Without strong keyword practices, the products you sell on Amazon are irrelevant.

When you optimize a blog post, you optimize for a keyword. If it’s a list of Scuba Diving sites in Goa, you better make sure “Scuba Diving sites in Goa” shows up in your URL, your page title and your meta description

You do this to ensure that your blog post is considered relevant when somebody searches for information regarding scuba diving sites.

Optimizing an Amazon product listing is no different.

Amazon keywords and your product title

As you may have already guessed, the title of your product is pretty important to its success in the Amazon search results.

In fact, from a keyword perspective, it’s probably the most important part of your listing.

put your most important keywords in your product title, and put your very most important keywords at the beginning of your product title.

Brand name. Product type. Key Features. Size. Color. Quantity.

These are what consumers scan for. Make their lives easy.

Amazon keywords are essential to your product titles.

Note: keep screen size in mind. Your product titles are going to look different depending on the device your prospect is using to browse Amazon. This is yet another reason to put your most crucial keywords first.

Amazon keywords and your product details

The product details page is your opportunity to outline all the best features and benefits of your product in a series of concise bullet points.

It’s also the place to use the keywords you couldn’t fit in the product title.

Product details optimization is important for a couple reasons. Primarily, this is a great chance to close a sale. Your outstanding product title brought them here, and now your highly informative bullet points will secure the conversion.

Remember that product conversion rate has a huge influence on the order of Amazon search results.

You also need to optimize your product details page because A9 will index your keywords and use them to inform the ordering of the search results. The logic here is no different from the logic behind your product title — you’re using keywords that make your product relevant to the queries prospective customers are searching.

Amazon keywords and your seller account

“hidden keywords.” & “search terms.” Each is a reference to the keywords you’re permitted to enter at the backend of your Amazon seller account.

Basically, hidden keywords are your opportunity to give Amazon more information about your product — information that consumers won’t see.

By reducing the character limit to 250, Amazon has indicated that it’s taking backend keywords more seriously. The company doesn’t want sellers stuffing the character fields with irrelevant information and competitors’ brand names. As such, if you master your backend keywords across your product catalogue, you can expect a considerable boost in the search rankings.

How do I conduct Amazon keyword research?

If you want to succeed on Amazon, you need to conduct thorough keyword research.

The goal? To compile a comprehensive list of keywords for each product, thus maximizing the number of search queries that trigger your product listings and making your inventory as visible as possible in the Amazon search results.

Here’s how.

1. Targeting products that complement your product.

As you may have learned, complements are products that consumers frequently buy together.

To put it in Amazon terms: everything you see under “Frequently bought together” is a complement to the product displayed on the details page.

By targeting complements to your product — in the bullet points, in the product description, or in the hidden keywords — you make your product visible to people who aren’t directly looking for it and whose search behavior indicates that they may be interested.

In some cases, complements are intuitive. If you sell peanut butter, for example, you’re well aware that your prospects are also in the market for jelly, marshmallow fluff, and bread.

In other cases, however, you’ll have to do some research. Head to your competitors’ product details pages and see what customers are buying together. That should give you a good idea of the complements you want to target.

2. Typing into the Amazon search bar and looking at the keyword suggestions.

When you begin to enter a search query, Amazon suggests products other consumers frequently search for.

After combing through the suggested queries (i.e., entering the type of product you sell followed by different letters of the alphabet), you’ll have yourself a strong list of initial keywords to build on.

3. Looking at what you’re ranking for on Google.

If you sell on a website of your own in addition to Amazon, this one is unique to you.

Consumers are more likely to begin product searches on Amazon than on Google.

Use Search Console or a tool like SEMrush to see if your website is scoring page one results for any high-volume search queries. Then, target those queries as keywords across your Amazon product listings and seller account.

4. Use a keyword research tool.

You can use Google’s Keyword Planner if you have a Google Ads account.

If you’d like to conduct research that’s specific to Amazon or any other ecommerce platform, you can use Datavio’s Keyword Research Tool. This keyword planner uses data from the Amazon autocomplete or search suggestion feature and generates a list of long-tail keywords to consider.With it, you can access a keyword’s monthly Amazon search volume as well as the related keywords and the relevant products.


With the right Amazon keyword research strategy, and the right Amazon keyword tool, you’ll make your products visible to more relevant, high-value prospects than ever before.

And it’s a positive feedback loop, too. A good keyword research gives higher visibility. Higher visibility and excellent product titles gives more clicks. More clicks and outstanding product details pages gives more conversions. More conversions gives higher search rankings and so on.

