DatEat Official
3 min readApr 3, 2018


Thanks to the development of Internet Technology, people have more ways to develop a romantic relationship than they ever have before. Online dating apps, chat rooms, social media platforms are all places in which people can connect with one another. Most of the time, people are likely to keep these connections online, however, there’s a chance that people want to get to know the person in real life. According to a 2014 study, the result suggests that people who chat online more than 15 days prior to a face-to-face date can lead to major disappointment, as it’s not the expected person they imagine.
Absolutely, no one wants to get into that situation. So, how could you tackle it?

1. Have a few phone conversations before meeting in person.
If the thought of your date hearing your voice for the first time makes you nervous, you are not alone. It’s a common fear, driven by the fact that most of us think that our voices sound weird. Don’t meet up with this hanging over your head. Make arrangements to speak on the phone a few times; it will be one less thing to feel nervous about on your date.

Cre: faysbook.gr

2. Don’t over (or under) dress.
Don’t make the mistake of letting your expectations influence the way you dress. Do not get too dressed up with the expectation that you can make a better connection.
On the other hand, don’t under dress at a first date. Even if you have had disappointing results in the past, your date deserves a little effort and respect. Rather than making it an issue, dress in something nice that is appropriate for the occasion.

3. Tell a friend where you’re going to be.
First, there are obvious safety reasons for doing this. Second, even if you don’t feel as if you are in danger, dates like this can become awkward or tense. If this happens, you can have your friend contact you with an emergency to give you an out; however, this technique should only be used if you feel you must do so to avoid a loud confrontation or a prolonged dialogue about why things aren’t a good fit. If you are simply ready to call it an evening because there’s no connection, be direct about it.

4. Have realistic expectations.
Yes, every once in a while you will meet somebody who is absolutely lovely online, but completely unbearable in person. For the most part, people aren’t that different when you meet them in person — they may be a little less talkative or a little more outgoing. Don’t go in with an expectation that things will go horribly and that you’ll be disappointed.
However, don’t set the bar too high. There are no guarantees you will fall in love, either. Look at the date as the opportunity to meet somebody that you’re compatible with, nothing more and less.



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