How to Get the Process 9 Things to Never Do in the First Month of Dating?

1 min readJul 19, 2023


9 Things to Never Do in the First Month of Dating

1. Rushing into serious commitments or discussions about the future can be overwhelming and push your partner away.

2. Avoid talking excessively about past relationships or comparing your new partner to others.

3. Don’t be overly possessive or jealous, as it can create unnecessary tension and insecurity.

4. Avoid revealing overly personal or sensitive information too soon, as it might be too much for your partner to handle.

9 things to do in the first month of dating

5. Don’t play games or manipulate emotions to test your partner’s feelings.

6. Avoid neglecting your own interests, hobbies, and friendships just to focus solely on the new relationship.

7. Refrain from excessive gift-giving or spending beyond your means, as it may set unrealistic expectations.

Dating for a month

8. Don’t avoid discussing important topics, but also don’t dive into heavy or controversial subjects too early.

9. Avoid making assumptions about your partner’s feelings or intentions; instead, communicate openly and honestly.

The first month of dating

