How to Stop Liking Someone: Breaking Free from Unrequited Feelings

3 min readAug 9, 2023


How to Stop Liking Someone

It’s not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you have feelings for someone who doesn’t reciprocate them. Unrequited feelings can be painful and challenging to navigate, but there are steps you can take to stop liking someone and move on with your life.

Here’s a concise guide to help you through the 10 process:

1. Accept Your Feelings:

The first step is acknowledging your emotions. It’s okay to feel the way you do, and denying or suppressing these feelings won’t help in the long run. Accept that your emotions are valid, and give yourself permission to process them.

2. Create Distance:

Creating some physical and emotional distance from the person you like can be crucial. This doesn’t mean cutting them out completely, but it’s essential to limit contact and interactions to allow yourself space to heal.

3. Focus on Yourself:

Shift your attention toward self-care and personal growth. Engage in activities you enjoy, invest time in hobbies, and set goals that are important to you. Building your self-esteem and nurturing your passions will help you regain your sense of identity outside of this one-sided attraction.

4. Reality Check:

Reflect on the reasons why your feelings might not be reciprocated. Sometimes, we create idealized versions of people in our minds. Remind yourself of their flaws and imperfections to balance your perspective.

5. Seek Support:

Share your feelings with friends or a trusted confidant. Talking about your emotions can be cathartic and provide you with an outsider’s perspective. Their support and guidance can offer a fresh outlook on your situation.

6. Engage in New Connections:

Opening yourself up to new social opportunities can help you divert your focus and meet people who appreciate you for who you are. Building new relationships, even if they’re just friendships, can alleviate the longing for someone who isn’t reciprocating your feelings.

7. Practice Patience:

Healing from unrequited feelings takes time. Be patient with yourself and understand that progress might not be linear. There will be days when the emotions resurface, but with time, their intensity will diminish.

8. Shift Your Mindset:

Challenge the notion that this person is the only source of your happiness or fulfillment. Redirect your thoughts toward the positives in your life and the possibilities that lie ahead.

9. Limit Exposure

In the age of social media, it’s easy to keep tabs on someone you’re trying to move on from. Consider muting. Them on social platforms to reduce triggers that might reignite your feelings.

10. Seek Professional Help:

If you find it extremely difficult to let go of your feelings, consider seeking the guidance of a mental health professional. Therapists can provide tailored strategies to cope with unrequited emotions and help you navigate the process more effectively.


How to Stop liking Someone, who doesn’t reciprocate can be challenging, but it’s entirely possible. By following these steps, you can gradually release yourself from the grip of unrequited feelings and open yourself up to new experiences and genuine connections. Remember, healing takes time, so be patient and kind to you throughout the journey.


