Good Practices for Using Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python

Indrajeet Datta
19 min readApr 11, 2023


Following good practices while using object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python is important for several reasons:

  1. Readability: By following good practices, you can write code that is easy to read and understand, not only for yourself but also for other developers who might need to work with or modify your code in the future.
  2. Reusability: Good practices in OOP can make your code more modular and reusable, which means you can save time and effort by reusing code that you have already written in new projects.
  3. Maintainability: By following good practices, you can make your code easier to maintain over time. This means that if you need to modify or add new features to your code, it will be easier and less error-prone to do so.
  4. Testing: Good practices in OOP can make your code easier to test, which means you can catch errors and bugs early in the development process and ensure that your code is working correctly.
  5. Performance: Good practices in OOP can lead to more efficient and optimized code, which can improve the performance of your application.

Overall, following good practices in OOP can improve the quality of your code, reduce the likelihood of errors and bugs, and make it easier to work with and maintain over time.

Some good practices for using object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python:

  1. Follow the Single Responsibility Principle: Each class should have a single responsibility. This helps keep your code organized and makes it easier to maintain.
  2. Use meaningful and descriptive class and method names: This makes your code easier to understand and helps prevent naming conflicts.
  3. Use inheritance and polymorphism: Inheritance allows you to create new classes that are based on existing classes, while polymorphism allows you to use different classes interchangeably.
  4. Encapsulate data: Use private and protected attributes and methods to hide the implementation details of your classes. This helps prevent external code from accidentally modifying or accessing data that it shouldn’t.
  5. Avoid global variables: Global variables can lead to unintended side effects and make it harder to reason about your code. Instead, use instance variables or class variables.
  6. Use properties instead of getters and setters: Properties allow you to expose attributes of your classes while still maintaining control over how they are accessed and modified.
  7. Avoid excessive method and class size: Large classes and methods can be difficult to read and understand. Break them up into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  8. Use docstrings to document your code: This makes it easier for other developers to understand how to use your classes and methods.
  9. Use exception handling: Use try/except blocks to catch and handle errors in a consistent way. This helps prevent your program from crashing and makes it easier to debug.
  10. Write unit tests: Test your classes and methods to ensure that they are working as expected. This helps catch bugs early and makes it easier to maintain your code over time.

By following these good practices, you can write more maintainable, understandable, and robust object-oriented code in Python.

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is a fundamental principle of object-oriented design, which states that a class should have only one reason to change. In other words, a class should have a single responsibility or a single job to do, and it should not be responsible for more than one thing.
The benefit of following the SRP is that it helps keep your code modular and easier to maintain. When a class has only one responsibility, it becomes easier to understand, test, and modify. You can change the behavior of a class without worrying about unintended side effects on other parts of your code.
To follow the SRP in your Python code, you should ask yourself, “What is the primary responsibility of this class?” and design the class accordingly. You should avoid adding methods or attributes that are not directly related to the class’s primary responsibility. If you find that your class is becoming too large or complex, you should consider breaking it down into smaller, more focused classes that each have a single responsibility.

Here is an example of how to apply the SRP in Python:

# Bad example: A class that has multiple responsibilities
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, salary): = name
self.salary = salary
self.hours_worked = 0
self.department = ""

def calculate_pay(self):
return self.salary / 12

def record_hours_worked(self, hours):
self.hours_worked += hours

def assign_department(self, department):
self.department = department

# Good example: A class that has a single responsibility
class Employee:
def __init__(self, name, salary): = name
self.salary = salary

def calculate_pay(self):
return self.salary / 12

In the bad example, the Employee class has multiple responsibilities: calculating pay, recording hours worked, and assigning a department. In the good example, the Employee class has a single responsibility of calculating pay. This makes the class easier to understand and modify, and you can create separate classes for recording hours worked and assigning a department.

Using meaningful and descriptive names for your classes and methods is important in Python because it makes your code more readable and easier to understand. When you give your classes and methods descriptive names, other developers (including yourself) can quickly grasp what your code is doing, even without having to read through the implementation details.

Here are some guidelines for choosing meaningful and descriptive names for your classes and methods in Python:

  1. Use nouns for class names: Class names should be descriptive of the objects they represent. For example, if you’re creating a class to represent a car, a good name would be Car.
  2. Use verbs for method names: Method names should be descriptive of the action they perform. For example, if you have a method that starts the engine of a car, a good name would be start_engine.
  3. Use clear and concise names: The names you choose should be clear and concise, but also long enough to convey the purpose of the class or method. Avoid using abbreviations or overly generic names like data or stuff.
  4. Use a consistent naming convention: Python has a standard naming convention called PEP 8 that recommends using lowercase letters and underscores to separate words in method names, and using CamelCase for class names. You should follow this convention to make your code consistent with other Python code.
  5. Avoid naming conflicts: When naming classes and methods, make sure to avoid naming conflicts with built-in Python functions and classes, as well as with third-party libraries you might be using.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Bad example: Using generic names that don't convey the purpose of the class or method
class MyClass:
def func1(self, data):

def func2(self, value):

# Good example: Using descriptive names that convey the purpose of the class or method
class Car:
def start_engine(self):

def stop_engine(self):

In the bad example, the class and method names are generic and don’t convey the purpose of the class or method. In the good example, the class name Car clearly conveys the purpose of the class, and the method names start_engine and stop_engine clearly convey the purpose of the methods. This makes the code easier to read and understand.

Inheritance and polymorphism, which are two key features of object-oriented programming in Python. Inheritance is the ability to create a new class that is a modified version of an existing class. The new class is called a subclass or derived class, and the original class is called the superclass or base class. The subclass inherits all the attributes and methods of the superclass, and it can also add new attributes and methods or modify the behavior of the inherited ones.

Polymorphism is the ability of objects to take on different forms or behaviors depending on the context in which they are used. In Python, polymorphism is achieved through method overriding and method overloading. Method overriding allows a subclass to provide a different implementation of a method that is already defined in the superclass. Method overloading allows a class to define multiple methods with the same name but different parameters.

Using inheritance and polymorphism in your Python code can make it more flexible and easier to maintain. Here are some guidelines for using these features effectively:

  1. Use inheritance to promote code reuse: When you have multiple classes that share common attributes and methods, you can use inheritance to avoid duplicating code. By creating a superclass with the shared attributes and methods, you can then create subclasses that inherit these features, but also add their own unique functionality.
  2. Use inheritance to create specialized classes: You can use inheritance to create more specialized classes that have additional attributes and methods. For example, you might have a Vehicle superclass that has basic attributes like wheels and engine, and then create more specialized subclasses like Car and Motorcycle that add their own unique attributes and methods.
  3. Use polymorphism to make your code more flexible: By designing your classes to be polymorphic, you can write code that works with different types of objects. For example, you might have a Vehicle class with a method called start_engine(), which can be overridden by subclasses like Car and Motorcycle to provide their own unique implementation of starting the engine.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example using inheritance and polymorphism
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self, wheels, engine):
self.wheels = wheels
self.engine = engine

def start_engine(self):
print("Starting engine...")

class Car(Vehicle):
def __init__(self, wheels, engine, seats):
super().__init__(wheels, engine)
self.seats = seats

def start_engine(self):
print("Starting car engine...")

class Motorcycle(Vehicle):
def __init__(self, wheels, engine, has_kickstand):
super().__init__(wheels, engine)
self.has_kickstand = has_kickstand

def start_engine(self):
print("Starting motorcycle engine...")

# Using polymorphism to work with different types of objects
vehicles = [Car(4, "gasoline", 4), Motorcycle(2, "gasoline", True)]
for vehicle in vehicles:

In this example, we have a Vehicle superclass with a start_engine() method, and two subclasses Car and Motorcycle that inherit from it. The Car and Motorcycle classes each provide their own unique implementation of the start_engine() method using method overriding. Finally, we use polymorphism to loop through a list of Vehicle objects (which could be instances of Car or Motorcycle), and call the start_engine() method on each object. Because of polymorphism, the correct implementation of the method is called based on the type of object being used.

Encapsulation is the practice of hiding the internal implementation details of a class from external code. Encapsulation is important in object-oriented programming because it allows you to protect the integrity of your data and ensures that it can only be accessed and modified in a controlled way.

In Python, encapsulation is achieved through the use of private and protected attributes and methods. Private attributes and methods are denoted with a double underscore prefix (e.g., __attribute or __method), and they are not directly accessible from external code. Protected attributes and methods are denoted with a single underscore prefix (e.g., _attribute or _method), and they are intended to be used only within the class or its subclasses.

Here are some guidelines for using encapsulation effectively in your Python code:

  1. Use private and protected attributes to hide implementation details: By using private and protected attributes, you can hide the details of how a class is implemented, and only expose the attributes and methods that are intended to be used externally. This makes it easier to maintain and modify the class over time, because you can change the internal implementation without affecting external code.
  2. Use properties to control access to attributes: Properties are a way to expose attributes of a class while still maintaining control over how they are accessed and modified. By using properties, you can prevent external code from modifying attributes in unintended ways, and you can enforce validation rules on the values of attributes.
  3. Avoid using public attributes and methods: Public attributes and methods are accessible from external code, and they can be modified or called directly. This can lead to unintended side effects and make it harder to maintain your code over time. Instead, use private and protected attributes and methods, and only expose the functionality that is intended to be used externally.

Avoid the use of global variables in Python, and instead use instance variables or class variables. Global variables are variables that are defined outside of any function or class, and they are accessible from any part of your code. Although global variables can be convenient, they can also lead to unintended side effects and make your code harder to maintain.

In Python, you can use instance variables and class variables to avoid the use of global variables. Instance variables are variables that are defined within a class and are unique to each instance of the class. Class variables are variables that are shared by all instances of a class.

Here are some guidelines for avoiding the use of global variables in your Python code:

  1. Use instance variables to store object-specific data: If you have data that is unique to each instance of a class, you should use instance variables to store it. Instance variables are defined within a class and are accessed using the self keyword.
  2. Use class variables to store data that is shared by all instances: If you have data that is shared by all instances of a class, you should use class variables to store it. Class variables are defined within a class but outside of any method, and they are accessed using the class name.
  3. Avoid using global variables: Global variables should be avoided in most cases, because they can lead to unintended side effects and make it harder to maintain your code over time. If you need to store data that is accessible from multiple parts of your code, you should consider using a class or a function to encapsulate the data.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example using instance variables and class variables
class Counter:
count = 0 # Class variable

def __init__(self):
self.value = 0 # Instance variable

def increment(self):
self.value += 1
Counter.count += 1

# Using the Counter class
c1 = Counter()
print(c1.value) # Output: 2
print(Counter.count) # Output: 2

c2 = Counter()
print(c2.value) # Output: 1
print(Counter.count) # Output: 3

In this example, we have a Counter class that has an instance variable value and a class variable count. The value variable is unique to each instance of the class, and the count variable is shared by all instances. We use the increment() method to increase the value of the value instance variable and the count class variable. Finally, we create two instances of the Counter class and show that the value instance variable is unique to each instance, while the count class variable is shared by all instances.

Use exception handling to write robust code in Python. Error handling is the practice of anticipating and handling errors that might occur in your code, and it is an important aspect of writing robust and reliable software.

In Python, you can use the try and except statements to catch and handle exceptions. An exception is an error that occurs at runtime, such as a ZeroDivisionError or a ValueError. By using try and except, you can write code that anticipates these errors and handles them gracefully, rather than allowing them to crash your program.

Here are some guidelines for using error handling effectively in your Python code:

  1. Use try and except to catch and handle exceptions: When you have code that might raise an exception, you should use a try and except statement to catch the exception and handle it gracefully. The try block contains the code that might raise an exception, and the except block contains the code that handles the exception.
  2. Use specific exception types to catch specific errors: When you use try and except, you should use specific exception types to catch specific errors. This allows you to handle different types of errors in different ways. For example, you might use a ValueError exception to handle invalid input, and a ZeroDivisionError exception to handle division by zero.
  3. Avoid using a bare except statement: A bare except statement catches all exceptions, which can make it difficult to identify and handle specific errors. Instead, you should use specific exception types to catch specific errors, or use a finally block to perform cleanup operations.
  4. Log error messages to help with debugging: When an exception occurs, you should log an error message to help with debugging. This can be done using the Python logging module, or by printing the error message to the console.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example using error handling
import logging

def divide(x, y):
result = x / y
except ZeroDivisionError:
logging.error("Attempted to divide by zero")
result = None
except TypeError:
logging.error("Invalid input type")
result = None
return result

# Using the divide() function
print(divide(10, 2)) # Output: 5.0
print(divide(10, 0)) # Output: None, with an error message logged
print(divide(10, "2")) # Output: None, with an error message logged

In this example, we have a divide() function that takes two arguments and returns their quotient. We use a try and except statement to catch a ZeroDivisionError or a TypeError, and log an error message to help with debugging. Finally, we use the divide() function to divide 10 by 2, divide 10 by 0, and divide 10 by "2". The first call returns 5.0, the second call returns None with an error message logged, and the third call returns None with an error message logged.

Use the built-in data structures and algorithms in Python to write more efficient and readable code. Python provides a rich set of built-in data structures and algorithms that can help you solve common problems more efficiently and with less code.

Here are some guidelines for using the built-in data structures and algorithms in your Python code:

  1. Use lists for sequences of elements: Lists are one of the most commonly used data structures in Python. They can store sequences of elements of any type, and can be easily modified using a variety of built-in functions and methods.
  2. Use tuples for immutable sequences of elements: Tuples are similar to lists, but they are immutable, which means that they cannot be modified after they are created. Tuples are useful for storing sequences of elements that should not be changed, such as the coordinates of a point.
  3. Use sets for unique collections of elements: Sets are useful for storing collections of unique elements. They can be used to remove duplicates from a list, or to determine the intersection or difference of two sets.
  4. Use dictionaries for key-value mappings: Dictionaries are useful for storing mappings between keys and values. They can be used to represent things like phone books, where each name is associated with a phone number.
  5. Use built-in functions and methods to manipulate data: Python provides a variety of built-in functions and methods for manipulating data. These include functions like len() for getting the length of a list, and methods like append() for adding elements to a list.
  6. Use built-in modules for common tasks: Python provides a variety of built-in modules for common tasks, such as os for working with the operating system, and math for mathematical operations.
  7. Use built-in algorithms for efficient computation: Python provides a variety of built-in algorithms for efficient computation, such as sorting and searching. These algorithms are optimized for performance and can help you write more efficient code.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example using built-in data structures and algorithms
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
unique_data = set(data)
print(unique_data) # Output: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

data_dict = {"Alice": "123-456-7890", "Bob": "555-123-4567", "Charlie": "555-555-5555"}
print(data_dict["Bob"]) # Output: 555-123-4567

sorted_data = sorted(data)
print(sorted_data) # Output: [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]

import math
print(math.sqrt(16)) # Output: 4.0

In this example, we have a list of integers data, which contains duplicates. We use a set to remove the duplicates and store the unique elements in unique_data. We then use a dictionary to store a phone book mapping between names and phone numbers, and use the key "Bob" to get the phone number associated with that name. Finally, we use the sorted() function to sort the data list, and use the math.sqrt() function to get the square root of 16.

Writing testable code is an important aspect of software development, because it allows you to verify that your code is working correctly and catch errors early in the development process.

In Python, you can use a variety of testing frameworks to write automated tests for your code. These frameworks allow you to define test cases that check the behavior of your code under different conditions.

Here are some guidelines for writing testable code in Python:

  1. Write small, single-purpose functions: Small, single-purpose functions are easier to test than large, complex functions. By breaking your code into smaller functions, you can test each function in isolation, and build up confidence that your code is working correctly.
  2. Use dependency injection to isolate code from external dependencies: Dependency injection is a technique for decoupling your code from external dependencies. By using dependency injection, you can replace external dependencies with mock objects during testing, and isolate your code from their behavior.
  3. Use assertions to check the behavior of your code: Assertions are statements that check that a condition is true, and raise an exception if it is not. By using assertions, you can verify that your code is working correctly under different conditions, and catch errors early in the development process.
  4. Use a testing framework to automate your tests: Python provides a variety of testing frameworks, such as unittest and pytest, that allow you to define and run automated tests for your code. By using a testing framework, you can ensure that your code is working correctly across different platforms and environments, and catch errors early in the development process.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example of writing testable code
def is_even(num):
return num % 2 == 0

def test_is_even():
assert is_even(2) == True
assert is_even(3) == False
assert is_even(0) == True
assert is_even(-2) == True

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this example, we have a is_even() function that takes an integer as input and returns True if the integer is even and False otherwise. We also have a test_is_even() function that uses assertions to test the behavior of the is_even() function under different conditions. Finally, we use the if __name__ == "__main__": block to run the test_is_even() function when the script is run directly. By using this structure, we can run our tests automatically and catch errors early in the development process.

Writing maintainable code is an important aspect of software development, because it allows you and other developers to modify and extend the code in the future, without introducing errors or unintended side effects.

In Python, there are several best practices that you can follow to write maintainable code:

  1. Write clear, concise, and expressive code: Clear, concise, and expressive code is easier to read and understand than code that is complex and verbose. By writing code that is easy to understand, you can make it easier for yourself and other developers to modify and extend the code in the future.
  2. Use meaningful variable names: Meaningful variable names can help you and other developers understand the purpose and use of variables in your code. By using descriptive variable names, you can make your code easier to understand and modify.
  3. Write comments to explain complex or non-obvious code: Comments can be used to explain the purpose and behavior of your code, particularly in cases where the code is complex or non-obvious. By using comments to explain your code, you can make it easier for other developers to understand and modify the code in the future.
  4. Write modular code with clear separation of concerns: Modular code is code that is organized into smaller, more manageable units called modules. By organizing your code into modules with clear separation of concerns, you can make it easier to modify and extend the code in the future.
  5. Write reusable code that can be shared across projects: Reusable code is code that can be used in multiple projects, without modification. By writing reusable code, you can save time and effort in future projects, and reduce the likelihood of errors or unintended side effects.
  6. Use version control to manage changes to your code: Version control is a system for managing changes to your code over time. By using version control, you can keep track of changes to your code, collaborate with other developers, and roll back changes if necessary.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example of writing maintainable code
# This script takes a list of integers and returns the sum of the even numbers
def sum_even_numbers(numbers):
Returns the sum of the even numbers in the given list of integers.
return sum(num for num in numbers if num % 2 == 0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test the sum_even_numbers() function
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
result = sum_even_numbers(numbers)
print(f"The sum of the even numbers in {numbers} is {result}.")

In this example, we have a sum_even_numbers() function that takes a list of integers as input and returns the sum of the even numbers in the list. We use a generator expression to filter the even numbers from the list and then use the built-in sum() function to compute their sum.

We also use a docstring to document the purpose and behavior of the sum_even_numbers() function, making it easier for other developers to understand and modify the code in the future. Finally, we use the if __name__ == "__main__": block to test the sum_even_numbers() function when the script is run directly, making it easier to test and verify the behavior of the code.

Python community’s style guide, also known as PEP 8 is a set of guidelines for writing Python code that makes it easier to read, understand, and maintain. By following PEP 8, you can ensure that your code is consistent with other Python code, and that it is easy for other developers to read and understand.

Here are some of the key guidelines in PEP 8:

  1. Use four spaces to indent your code: Indentation is important in Python, because it defines the scope of blocks of code. PEP 8 recommends using four spaces to indent your code, rather than tabs.
  2. Use lowercase letters and underscores for variable names: PEP 8 recommends using lowercase letters and underscores to separate words in variable names, rather than camel case. For example, use my_variable instead of myVariable.
  3. Use uppercase letters for constant names: PEP 8 recommends using uppercase letters to indicate that a variable is a constant, and should not be modified. For example, use MAX_SIZE instead of max_size.
  4. Use descriptive names for variables and functions: PEP 8 recommends using descriptive names for variables and functions, rather than using single-letter names or abbreviations. This makes your code easier to read and understand.
  5. Limit line length to 79 characters: PEP 8 recommends limiting the length of lines in your code to 79 characters, to make it easier to read and understand.
  6. Use blank lines to separate logical sections of your code: PEP 8 recommends using blank lines to separate logical sections of your code, to make it easier to read and understand.
  7. Use spaces around operators and after commas: PEP 8 recommends using spaces around operators and after commas, to make your code easier to read and understand.

Here is an example of how to apply these guidelines in Python:

# Example of following PEP 8
MAX_SIZE = 100

def get_square_sum(numbers):
Returns the sum of the squares of the given numbers.
square_numbers = [num ** 2 for num in numbers]
return sum(square_numbers)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Test the get_square_sum() function
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = get_square_sum(numbers)
print(f"The sum of the squares of {numbers} is {result}.")

In this example, we have a MAX_SIZE constant that is written in uppercase letters to indicate that it should not be modified. We also have a get_square_sum() function that uses descriptive variable and function names, and is documented using a docstring. Finally, we use a blank line to separate the function definition from the if __name__ == "__main__": block, and use spaces around operators and after commas to make the code easier to read and understand.

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