5 powerful ways to overcome stress

Botanical Amit
3 min readOct 3, 2016

Stress is part of everyday life, and for the majority, it is a serious problem. Stress does cause some physical and emotional issues, and in today’s world, it needs to be avoided as much as possible. A famous proverb that I learned is that laughter is the best medicine for the heart; Truly if we are in a constant place of peace and laughter stress wouldn’t be the potent poison that is today. Stress also severely restricts productivity, and the less productive we are, the more pressure gets added to our daily lives. With all this in mind and the awareness of the dangers of stress, it is important to find ways to be proactive against it. Below I look at five powerful ways you can prevent and overcome stress.

Exercise — Move your body, whether it is in the gym or outdoors. If you can’t afford to workout, then go for a walk because walking has hundreds of benefits which also include your mindset. Exercise has been proven to help our bodies become stronger which helps us withstand more workload without added stress. Exercise will also contribute to relieving us from emotional stress and often helps the mind freshen up. Bottom line, get active and get fresh air!

Hobbies — You need to pursue some hobbies which will help take your mind off your life. This could range from cooking, reading, watching TV shows to an outdoor activity. The idea is that your brain switches off from normal life and engages differently which I hope will end up giving you a better perspective on your life. Apart from that, it will stop you from becoming boring!

Passions — Pursue your passions, and that means in your career too. You will find ways of being positive if you are working on things that you love doing, and positivity will stop stress from consuming your lifestyle. Usually, passions are an add on to a career which means potentially more intense times, but there is nothing wrong with intensity as long as it doesn’t turn into negative and stress. Do things that bring the best out of you.

Relationships — Most of the time unhealthy relationships are the cause of stress, and there are some you can’t totally cut off and there are others where you will need to be shrewd. Give people and relationships the best chance of success, but if someone is always bringing you down, then you will need to cut them. If they are too close to cut, then put healthy boundaries in place. The key is to have effective communication in relationships, and hopefully, they become a stress relief rather than a burden.

Reflection — We all need some ‘ME’ time. Find 30 minutes to an 1 hour a day to reflect on what is happening within and around you. Are you in line with your goals and vision? Are you moving away from them? Are your goals stressing you out? These are regular questions you should be asking of yourselves. Stress can’t be entirely avoided, but it can be managed to a point where it has minimal impact in your lives. Reflect and dump the junk.

Stress kills so find new habits that will break ugly patterns. Try and make the best of the world around you and make your environment a product of who you are.



Botanical Amit

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