Meet Tiger Zhang — China Community Manager at Datum

Datum Team
2 min readJul 19, 2018


Datum has been rapidly growing since our founding in June 2017, and this could not have been achieved without a dedicated and talented team! This article belongs to a series of interviews introducing you to Datum team members and some behind-the-scenes tidbits.

Tiger Zhang | China Community Manager at Datum

Tiger Zhang is the China Community Manager at Datum, and acts as the bridge between Datum network and Chinese community, setting the tone on social media and the community groups while actively engaging with potential users to expand Datum’s presence in China. With over 7 years of proven-track experience in writing, editing, and analyzing political and current affair articles for different media companies, Tiger gained an ever deeper and solid understanding of current social and political affairs about both China and Hong Kong. Find out more about Tiger here and from the following Q&A:

Datum: Before working at Datum, what was the most interesting job you’ve ever had?

Tiger: Journalist on Chinese Politics — It was really exciting to study and interpret the Chinese version of “Kremlinology”. To understand politics in China, one needs to know its logic, mentality, and language (no matter if you know Chinese language or not). And this can apply to all different aspects in Chinese society.

Datum: What is your role at Datum?

Tiger: China Community Manager

Datum: What’s your typical day like working at Datum?

Tiger: Interacting closely with our Chinese audience on WeChat, QQ, Weibo, and various other social media channels and groups with the purpose to adopt Western ideas into Chinese framework, and provide feedback from the Chinese community back to the team.

Datum: How did you first learn about Datum?

Tiger: The marketing team was looking for a China Community Manager to expand into the Chinese market. Datum has gained a good reputation as a blockchain company in Hong Kong due to a successful ICO in the end of November 2017.

Datum: What are three words to describe Datum?

Tiger: Visionary, passionate, industrious

Datum: What has been your favorite project at Datum?

Tiger: Expanding into the Chinese market

Datum: What is on your wish list for the next 5 years with Datum?

Tiger: I hope that we can make Chinese society more aware of their personal data.

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