DATx at The Booming Token Economy — Recap

2 min readJul 26, 2018


Last night’s The Booming Token Economy meetup hosted by Block Asia was a success for DATx. The Singapore crypto community came out to catch talks from DATx and a diverse roster of other projects ranging from digital asset exchanges to incubators.

Mona Du, DATx’s global head of BD, introduced the project in detail. She contextualized DATx in terms of the current state of the digital advertising industry before going into detail about the DATxChain and DATx ecosystem. She went on to introduce our major strategic partner and launch platform Avazu, showing the audience its global reach and industry leading performance by the numbers.

Other highlights include token economy analysis by Daxci and Longhash. Ed Ludbrook, chairman of Daxci, gave valuable insights on the growth prediction of the token economy. He believes that we are currently in between two waves of crypto adoption, with the first wave being ‘pioneers’ (2009–2018), consisting of crypto pioneers and retail traders in a few countries, and the second wave being ‘global’ (2018–2020), consisting of a professional wave of institutional investments, retail investors, and regulators focusing on the token economy leading to an ICO boom. John Lim, BD of LongHash, presented data on the growing adoption of crypto in the West. His analysis pointed to a growing demand for owning cryptocurrency as an investment.

Wrapping up the talks, Mona joined the panel discussion with all the other projects representatives that presented. Together, they fielded questions from Block Asia moderator Yan Hua as well as questions posed by audience members. Questions and the resulting discussion all centered on the current state of the token economy and its future growth.

As the second Block Asia event DATx has participated in, this Singapore meetup at BitTemple allowed DATx to strengthen its presence on home base. Singapore, a country known for its friendly policies for blockchain projects, is an important cornerstone of the DATx globalization plan. The last few months have seen DATx make appearances at multiple key cities in the Asia Pacific region as part of the DATx globalization plan. Along with the widescale exposure promised by full DATx integration on the Avazu APX platform, DATx globalization plan will soon allow it to realize its vision of establishing a global mutualistic digital advertising ecosystem incentivized by DATx token.




Where the Blockchains Meet: Decentralized Application Transformational Cross-Chain Ecosystem. Visit: www.datx.co