The Dawn of AI-Discovered Medicine: FDA Approves First AI Orphan Drug

David Shapiro
6 min readAug 30, 2023


Without context, the term “Orphan Drug” might conjure the wrong image!

The world of drug discovery experienced a watershed moment earlier this year when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted approval for clinical trials to an AI-discovered drug for the first time.

Developed by Insilico Medicine, a pioneer in AI for drug discovery, the experimental small molecule known as INS018_055 aims to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). This chronic lung disease has no known cause and limited treatment options, with a bleak prognosis resulting in just 2–5 years median survival after diagnosis.

By granting an orphan drug designation to INS018_055, the FDA opened the door for what could be the first approved AI-discovered drug for human use. This milestone provides validation for the promise of artificial intelligence in accelerating the development of new medicines.

The Orphan Drug Incentive: A Lifeline for Rare Diseases

INS018_055 falls into a special FDA category known as orphan drugs — medicines intended to treat rare diseases affecting fewer than 200,000 people in the United States. Due to small target populations, pharmaceutical companies historically devoted few resources to developing treatments for these diseases.

To address this shortage, the Orphan Drug Act was passed in 1983 to incentivize rare disease research and drug development. Companies receive tax credits for clinical trials, waiver of FDA fees, and the prospect of seven years of market exclusivity for approved orphan drugs. The act has succeeded in spurring hundreds of new treatments, though 95% of rare diseases still lack an FDA-approved therapy.

INS018_055: A Glimmer of Hope for IPF Patients

The green light for Insilico’s antifibrotic drug brings new optimism to the approximately 100,000 Americans suffering from IPF (although sources vary). The disease causes progressive scarring of lung tissue, making breathing increasingly difficult over time. Options are extremely limited — just two FDA-approved drugs are available, both of which only slow IPF’s progression.

For patients facing this devastating diagnosis, INS018_055 represents one of the first glimpses of hope in decades. Though still early in the development process, its approval for Phase 2 trials accelerates the timeline for this AI-discovered medicine to potentially reach the market.

The the fact that AI itself identified and designed this promising drug candidate is also groundbreaking. It demonstrates artificial intelligence has advanced enough to go from virtual drug discovery to real clinical impact.

How AI Drug Discovery Works

Insilico Medicine’s proprietary Pharma.AI platform leverages advances in deep learning and generative AI to discover INS018_055. The technology can design new molecular structures from scratch and predict how they might behave in the human body.

This platform has three components

PandOmics: Discovers novel drug targets

Insilico Medicine also leverages AI to analyze and interpret biological data through their platform called PandaOmics. This tool processes various forms of omics data — including genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics — generated from scientific research on diseases.

PandaOmics then runs sophisticated AI algorithms to identify dysregulated genes and pathways related to a disease. The ranked list of target genes and proteins can help scientists generate hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms. This allows them to prioritize the most promising candidates for drug discovery or treatment development. PandaOmics demonstrates how AI can augment human intelligence to uncover insights from complex biomedical data that might otherwise be missed. The integration of omics-driven AI analysis with generative drug design capabilities positions Insilico at the forefront of translating biotechnology innovations into therapeutic interventions.

Chemistry42: Generates novel molecules

The output from Insilico’s PandaOmics tool provides the starting point for their next AI platform, Chemistry42. This technology focuses on generating novel small molecule structures that can modulate the gene targets identified by PandaOmics.

Chemistry42 allows researchers to specify desired properties and constraints for the AI to consider during molecular generation. These can include parameters like shape, binding affinity, synthetic complexity, and drug-likeness. The system then leverages generative adversarial networks to output populations of molecules that fit the criteria.

Each new compound gets scored on binding potential, novelty, physicochemical attributes, and other factors. Top candidates surface through this iterative design process for experimental validation. Chemistry42 thus acts as the molecular design counterpart to PandaOmics’ genomic analysis. Together, the two AI platforms enable rapid end-to-end drug discovery from gene to optimized lead compound.

inClinico: Designs clinical trials

The final component of Insilico’s end-to-end AI platform is inClinico, which focuses on predicting the outcomes of clinical trials. Once lead compounds are identified, determining their likelihood of success or failure in human testing is critical.

InClinico applies deep learning algorithms to data from past clinical trials, academic papers, and FDA submissions to forecast the probability of safety, efficacy, and eventual approval. The AI-generated interactive report highlights the key predictors and success factors to consider when designing trials for a given therapeutic target.

By assessing the viability of compounds earlier, inClinico aims to shorten the timeline from discovery to approved drug. Together with PandaOmics and Chemistry42, this suite of AI technologies accelerates Insilico’s pipeline from target identification all the way through clinical validation. The integration of multiple AI models across the drug development lifecycle showcases the immense power of artificial intelligence to reshape modern pharmaceutical innovation.

Cautious Optimism for the Future

Despite the excitement over this achievement for AI, it’s important not to get ahead of ourselves. While the FDA has recently greenlit INS018_055 for Phase II clinical trials, we cannot declare success for AI drug discovery until an agent it designed sees FDA approval for public use.

If INS018_055 or a similar AI-discovered drug reaches that goal in the next few years, it would signal a sea change for the pharmaceutical industry. Human intuition, trial-and-error, and legacy techniques would be supplemented — though likely not supplanted — by data-driven AI.

This transition is already underway, with AI streamlining and accelerating drug development pipelines across the industry. Insilico Medicine itself has many other programs in progress, including AI-designed agents for cancer, fibrosis, Parkinson’s disease, and aging.

The promise of faster, cheaper drug discovery is indeed exciting. However, we must ensure human values guide the technology’s development. AI should not be an end, but a means towards getting safe, affordable medicines to patients efficiently and equitably.

Extending the Reach of Precision Medicine

Looking farther ahead, AI-driven drug development could make personalized therapies scalable. Conventionally, customizing treatments for each patient is extremely challenging. AI’s capacity to gather and analyze huge amounts of data from genetic testing, electronic health records, and clinical trials may enable more tailored medicines.

Drugs could then be selected or designed to match individuals based on their genomic and biomarker profiles. This next-generation precision medicine would be a breakthrough for many diseases linked to genetic mutations, like cystic fibrosis. AI tools may even predict which patients have the highest chance of responding to a therapy.

Combining AI with Other Advanced Technologies

AI is not the only game-changing technology poised to disrupt medicine. The CRISPR gene editing system allows precise cuts in DNA sequences that can disable disease-causing mutations. CRISPR is already in clinical trials for cancer, blood disorders, and blindness.

While technical hurdles remain, CRISPR’s therapeutic promise is immense. Integrating it with AI could open up even more possibilities for programmable, personalized medicine. AI can identify novel gene targets, predict cutting accuracy, and model combinatorial edits to optimize outcomes. The convergence of both technologies will be essential for gene editing to achieve its full potential.

Conclusions: This is Just the Beginning

Without doubt, the FDA’s nod to INS018_055 as the first AI-discovered investigational new drug is a historic point on the technology’s arc towards transforming modern healthcare. It comes at a time when pharmaceutical innovation is sorely needed, as we face down diseases both common (cancer, Alzheimer’s) and rare.

Much work lies ahead to improve, validate, and translate these emerging techniques into real patient benefit. There will be setbacks, failures, and growing pains as AI enters the mainstream in medicine. But the trail has been blazed, and the future of intelligently-designed, evidence-based medicines has never looked brighter.

