Thoughts on the week

Dave Floyd
2 min readSep 24, 2017


Over the past few weeks I’ve spent a lot of time on my own, commuting to and from my current role. The journey in and of itself isn’t too long, but depending on traffic can be anywhere from 50 mins (best yet) to a little over 2 hours (last two Friday evenings!!!!). Thats a lot of wasted time.

Now spending time on my own has never been a real issue, those that know me would hardly descibe me as a people person, that said I’m a person and much like most people I enjoy being around others, if not always interacting. So this past week rather than listening to music for the 11–14 hours a week I sit in a car I decided to catch up on some podcasts. Music has it’s place, but I read this week that the brian starts to disengaged itself to autopilot when you start making repetitive journeys.

With this in mind I’ve been spent a lot of time with Matt Ballantine this week, all digitally, some of it interactively via the wonderful medium of Twitter, but mostly catching up on his WB40 podcast. I was also privledged enough to get a first glimpse at Matts impending talk at ‘Agile on the Beach’. Matt talks a lot about why he blogs, podcasts, weeknotes etc… and while I’ve always thought about doing it I’ve never really bothered. This week I felt a bit different, inspired by Matt and the ever ‘bloggy’ Neil Tamplin, I’ve decided to put pen to paper so to speak. I’ll start small with a short weekly note, for no other reason than get it off my mind and share with others. Whats the worst that can happen? I’m also notoriously fickle so lets see how long it lasts.

Right thats the explanation for you being dragged into the inner workings of my mind, on with the show (format for which I’m stealing from Neil Tamplin. Well if it ain’t broke).

This week:

I’ve been reading;

From the man himself, Neil Tamplin, the now viral blog on digital transformation

Who Shares Wins, on collaboration from Leading Edge Forum

The Place of Work from Matt Ballantine, on the rapidly changing nature of the physical workplace

Read this with much interest. Incredibly interesting given the wider concepts of Government as a Platform, though less relvant in UK where we appear to have a Platform for Government

I’ve also been doing a lot of research on the cloud collaboration suite of a global IT company this past week, but I won’t bore you with the details.

I’ve been listening to;

The ever entertaining and insightful WB40 podcast. I’ve listened to a few of the back catalogue so just have the link to them all

The always funny Arseblog

Freakonomics Radio on language

BBC World Service 50 Things that made the modern economy, Management Consulting

