More than useful — Miroki, a new humanoid robot is born
When you think about humanoid robots, what countries do you think of? You might think of Japan, well known as a powerhouse of robotics, the likes of Asimo and Aibo. Maybe you think of American companies like Boston Dynamics with Atlas. You might not think of France. Yet if you consider the numbers of humanoid robots worldwide it is almost certainly French robots that are in the majority. There are thousands of Nao & Pepper robots out there. Designed and built by Aldebaran, which became Softbank Robotics Europe and which is now Aldebaran again. Now, I’m in Paris again and Jérôme Monceaux, the mind behind Nao & Pepper, has a new company, Enchanted Tools, with a new robot that he’s ready to show to the world.
Ghene & I almost didn’t make it. We’d planned a leisurely arrival in Paris, a chance to freshen up and change into smarter clothes more worthy of an event in France and then a gentle stroll to the venue on Quai de Valmy. Instead we got 3 hours of delay in London in a crowded departure lounge due to an issue with the overhead power lines and then a frantic dash from Gare du Nord in t-shirts that were only just presentable. Luckily we weren’t too late and we arrived in time for the start of the event.
First, Richard Malterre took the stage to welcome the 100 or so attendees and then introduce, Jérôme Monceaux, the CEO of…