Starting a New Project: The Periodic Table of Elements

Dave Berning
3 min readFeb 16, 2017


I know I’m late but, welcome 2017! I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t had much time to dedicate a post to my loyal fan (One can dream…). I have been working diligently on my new business Parsec Digital’s website over the past few weeks. I hope to get this site launched soon so I can begin working on other things!

Anyway, if you’ve already read my timeline, you’ll know that I just recently started working for Drees Homes! At Drees, we have a big application that myself and the team have been working on since I’ve started. It’s an AngularJS application that essentially provides market managers with tools to create a home from start to finish. You may also know that this is my first introduction to Angular and web applications in general. I have to say, applications are much more exciting than traditional websites.

The past few weeks, I’ve been struggling with Angular. It’s a challenge, yes but challenge is good in this field. You have to constantly evolve and grow as a developer in order to stay relevant and employable. So, this past week I decided to start a new project to get better acquainted with Angular. I love science so instead of mindlessly reading documentation, I decided to make learning more interesting by creating The Periodic Table of Elements (PToE).

The UI

This application will have a simple UI (as everything should, am I right?). All you will see if the element’s title in the top left, name and navigation arrows towards the bottom, and the PToE icon in the bottom right. In the center, will be an animating atom with the proper amount of electrons (organized by shell), protons, and neutrons. By clicking the navigation arrows towards the bottom, you can flip through elements in order or choose a specific one via the PToE icon in the bottom right.

Eventually, I’d like to have a fly-out with additional information about each element but that’ll come at a later date.

Updated user interface as of June 20, 2017

The Progress So Far

As of today, I have a factory that is fetching and process data from a JSON file. The JSON file I’m using has all the elements grouped up in groups. So, in my controller, I had to iterate each group and push every element within each group to a single general array. This way, I can just grab an element by it’s index in one array.

Right now, the bare bones of the application is working. From Hydrogen (H-1), I can navigate to Helium (He-2), Lithium (Li-3), Beryllium (Be-4), and back. I also have 15px wide colored circles that represent the amount of quarks (sub-atomic particles) an atom has. For just a few hours of work it’s quite impressive I think!

Next Steps

I have all the data returning and the navigation working which is half of the Angular battle. Next, I plan to separate the electrons into certain groups based of the electrons in each shell or electron orbit. From there, I need to create a CSS animated atom with electrons actually orbiting the nucleus. It certainly is a fun project. My best advice to anything that wants to learn a new technology: Find something that interests you and go create something! If you start creating a generic app that with generic content, it is much harder to stay engaged. Don’t forget to check out the repo if you want to keep up with my progress.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Drees Company.

Originally published at on February 16, 2017.



Dave Berning

Software Engineer from Cincinnati. I work on JavaScript apps with Vue.js. Writer for Digital Ocean, Front End Weekly, and organizer of the #CodePenCIN meetup.