Dave Ferris
1 min readJul 31, 2016


Yes Owen, the polls are bad, which is largely explained by the PLP revolt and the current leadership election when Labour should be getting the message out on the streets and on the doorsteps. It may even be that by stabbing JC in the back the PLP have essentially sunk Labour’s hopes, certainly in a snap election if one was called now.

We are however at a crucial turning point. It is becoming clear that capitalism in it’s neo liberal manifestation is failing and that something has to be done. Even Theresa May’s speech at no 10 paid lip service to this and JCs leadership of Labour was at least partially responsible.

We didn’t want to be here having to defend the new leadership after only 10 months and potentially looking at civil war within the party continuing long after. But here is where we are and to do anything but re elect Jeremy would be to give the party back to the Blairites and their allies.

You are right to have concerns and all of them will need to be addressed quickly and effectively after we get this damaging and unnecessary leadership contest out of the way. In the meantime ensuring a victory for JC is the task in hand and every genuine socialist in the party needs to focus on ensuring that is what happens.

