Keep It Simple.

Dave Gerhardt
1 min readJul 18, 2016


Taken Outside A Hardware Store Coolidge Corner, Brookline, MA

When it comes to explaining to people what your product does, we love to make things complicated.

We want to make things seem fancier or more expensive or more important.

“We just spent two weeks building this feature. We have to make this a big deal.”

But here’s the secret to writing great product copy:

You need to write to be understood — not to write great copy.

You’re not writing a novel.

You’re not writing a white paper.

You’re writing so you can sell stuff to people.

Keep it simple.

Write like a human.

How would you explain it out loud to your friend over a coffee or to one of your kids?

“We sell boxes.”

Imagine if a marketer was asked to write copy for that hardware store?

