I Pledge Allegiance …

Dave Hicks
2 min readNov 16, 2018


There I am, standing in my Sunday best in front of the U.S. flag. Yes it was class picture day and I had a clip on tie that my mom gave me to wear. So I titled this post ‘I pledge allegiance’. See back in the 70s we did the pledge before the start of each day. We grew up with a pride of being from America, I am not sure if that same belief is being instilled into our kids, this concerns me.

Now for me to do this post without being political will be a challenge. Is this the point where I need to blame someone? Maybe political members? Colleges & universities? Should I blame the media, radio, t.v., papers, magazines, or many other outlets. There are musicians, comedians, actors and podcasters that I could point a finger at, but what would it do for me to blame anyone, anyone other than those in our own homes.

In September of 2001 we faced such a horrific tragedy as people that hated our country literally bombed New York City and had plans to make it worse by hijacking the other planes with plans to take out other sites as well. In the days, weeks, and even few years after 9/11 we held such honor for those that survived and for those that gave their lives. Now it seems like just another day. It appears to me that we give more respect to other dates than that of September 11.

Overall I wonder if we are not taught the importance of loving our country. Some appear to look at our country like we do shameful things. Yes, there have been shameful things done, but that is not our foundation. This country was built on pride, built on opportunity, built on something different. We are not perfect but I for one will not live my life ashamed.

God Bless America.

