TryHackMe vs Hack The Box: A Beginner’s Guide

David Banson
4 min readMar 16, 2024


Hello, Cyber Enthusiasts! Today, let’s dive into a common question among cybersecurity enthusiasts: TryHackMe or Hack The Box? As an aspiring security professional, I’ve been mulling over which platform to dive into. After all, these projects are the backbone of our skills and the gateway to demonstrating our knowledge to potential employers.

Hack The Box (HTB) and TryHackMe (THM) each offer unique advantages and features, making the choice between them a challenging yet important one. Join me as we navigate through the intricacies of these platforms to find the perfect fit for your goals and preferences!

Hack The Box


Hack The Box: HTB offers both free and paid membership plans. The free membership provides access to a limited number of retired machines, while the VIP membership starting (at $14/month) grants access to all retired machines, priority access to new machines, and a private network for a more stable experience.

TryHackMe: THM also has a free membership option, giving users access to some rooms and challenges. For full access to all content, users can subscribe to the THM Premium plan for $10.50/month.

In terms of costs, THM is more affordable, with the Premium plan costing only $10.50/month compared to HTB’s VIP membership at $14/month.

Hack The Box


Hack The Box:

  • Retired and active machines for various skill levels
  • Active user community and forums for discussion and learning
  • Regularly updated machines and challenges
  • Hands-on experience with real-world scenarios
  • Pro Labs for advanced training in real-world environments
  • Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions and events


  • Guided learning paths for beginners and advanced users
  • Rooms and challenges for various skill levels
  • Active user community and forums for discussion and learning
  • Regularly updated content
  • Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions and events
  • King of the Hill (KOTH) competitive hacking game mode

Both platforms offer a wide range of features, with HTB focusing more on individual machines and challenges, while THM emphasizes guided learning paths and a more structured approach. Both have active communities and regularly updated content.

Hack The Box — Capture The Flag
TryHackMe — Learning Paths

Ease of Use:

Hack The Box: HTB may be slightly more challenging for beginners, as it requires more independent problem-solving and research. However, this can be beneficial for users looking to develop critical thinking skills and real-world experience.

TryHackMe: THM is generally considered more beginner-friendly, with step-by-step guidance and explanations provided in many of the rooms. This makes it easier for users who are new to cybersecurity to get started and progress through learning paths.

In terms of ease of use, THM is more accessible to beginners, while HTB may present a steeper learning curve. However, both platforms cater to different learning styles and preferences.

Depth of Services:

Hack The Box: HTB offers a wide range of machines and challenges for various skill levels, from beginners to experts. The platform also provides advanced training through Pro Labs, which simulate real-world environments for hands-on experience.

TryHackMe: THM focuses on structured learning paths, making it an excellent platform for users who prefer guided instruction. While it offers challenges for different skill levels, it may not provide the same level of depth and complexity as HTB in terms of individual challenges.

HTB may offer more depth in terms of individual challenges and advanced training opportunities, while THM emphasizes structured learning paths for a more guided experience.


Both Hack the Box and TryHackMe are excellent platforms for learning and improving cybersecurity skills. The choice between the two largely depends on individual preferences and learning styles. Hack The Box offers more depth and complexity for users seeking hands-on experience and real-world scenarios, while TryHackMe provides a more structured, beginner-friendly approach with guided learning paths. Ultimately, users may benefit from using both platforms to gain a well-rounded cybersecurity education.

An AI-generated Image Of A Cybersecurity Professional

With TryHackMe and Hack The Box at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Choose the platform that resonates with you, dive into the world of cybersecurity, and watch your skills soar!



David Banson

Aspiring GRC Analyst | Tech & Policy Enthusiast | Sustainability Advocate | MA in International Affairs