How to make your first Million — a realistic and proven approach — Part 1


Dave Karpinsky, PhD, MBA
4 min read3 days ago

My Story

The world is filled with misconceptions, especially about money. From a young age, we’re bombarded with the notion that “money doesn’t grow on trees.” This belief, ingrained in us through traditional schooling and societal norms, suggests that the only path to financial security is through getting a job, buying a house, and working tirelessly until retirement at 67. But is that really the only way to achieve financial success? The answer, as you might have guessed, is a resounding no. Let’s explore. But before we do, let’s take a step back.

I was born in Ukraine, a land rich in culture and history. Our journey to the United States started when I was nine years old. In search of a better life in a land of boundless possibilities, we had to leave the familiar faces and landscapes behind. Our first destination was the large city of Philadelphia, where we began to build our life from scratch. My parents were young in their late 20s. As we immigrated, my mom was also pregnant with my sister who was born 3 months after we landed in the USA. We came to this country without a word of English and my parents had $300. That marked the beginning of a new life.



Dave Karpinsky, PhD, MBA

A world traveler, educator, consultant, entrepreneur, husband and a father sharing his experience and wisdom.