How To Become A Successful Musician Booking Agent

Dave Mckay
2 min readFeb 13, 2017


Music is an industry which is filled with glitz and glamour. The zealous live shows and the fervor to be an integral part of them has pulled several people to the music industry in some way or the other.

If you think that music is your passion and you always seek to meet musicians in person, then becoming a musician booking agent is not a bad idea. With ears for music and the ability to distinguish between good and bad, you can flourish as a successful agent in no time.

Here are some things you need to do to kick-start your career in the right way.

Analyze Your Ability

The first thing you need to understand is that no degree of love for music can make you a successful musician booking agent. Traits like efficient networking, good interpersonal skills and the ability to deal with rich and famous people in a confident manner is all what you need to be a successful agent.

Ponder carefully over these things to find out whether you have it in you to do the job without hitting any roadblocks.

Right Contacts

The primary job of any musician booking professional is to arrange and manage live gigs for the artists and ultimately get a recording contract for them. Hence, it is essential to have right contacts in the event management industry to arrange good gigs at big stages. This would help the artist to get better exposure among the people and make his name among the right set of professionals associated with the music industry.

Eye To Find The Right Talent

Most of the times, the career of the agent is interdependent on the artist he/she is dealing with. Hence, it is essential to work with the right kind of musicians who are talented and whose music would work in the type of stages you have contact with.

Therefore, find a musician who is compatible with your needs and has the zeal to become a superstar in the future.

Good Managerial Skills

From finding the right stage to managing the dates of all the events in an efficient way, an agent’s plate is always full with challenging tasks. Hence, without good managerial skills, it would become very tough for the person to manage everything in an organized way without any confusion.

If you think you have all this in you and the passion to book Joey Fatone like artists, then this is the time to take the plunge.

