10 Proverbs from the Happiest Place on Earth

#9 Do It Today; Tomorrow It Might Be Forbidden!

Dave Sellar
6 min readAug 26, 2020

The person we present on the outside is a direct reflection of how we view the world from the inside.

For many cultures, proverbs represent the values intertwined into the fabric of society.

Weaved into the stories that we’re told as little tykes by our elders; proverbs shine a light on how we live our lives. They shape our beliefs and ultimately help us make sense of the world around us.

Finland is enjoying the top spot in the World Happiness Report for a third year running (as of March 2020). The UK finds itself nestled in 15th, while the US is further down the list in a lowly 19th place. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a thing or two that many of us could learn from the Finns and their approach to life.

Please enjoy 10 of my favourite Proverbs from the happiest country in the world — Finland — and my interpretation of them as an Englishman.

10 x Proverbs from the Happiest Place on Earth

#1 One Sleeps like One Makes His Bed

The sentiment behind this is the same as when Iyanla Vanzant once said:

“The way we do one thing is the way we do everything.”

For me, this is about taking pride in everything we do.

From the moment we wake up, the little, and consistent eccentricities are what make us, us but if we cut corners with one thing, or have a tendency to leave projects half done, this is likely to be consistent in every aspect of our life.

Take pride in everything you do.

#2 One Cannot Ski so Softly That the Tracks Can’t Be Seen.

I’d be inclined to translate this to say something along the lines of, if you’re going to do something, go all in.

If we dip our toes in the water, we’re never going to make a splash. Be full-hearted in everything you do and reap the rewards.

#3 A Tiny Morsel Is a Feast for the Starving Man

This means to show gratitude even when things aren’t perfect.

We’re fortunate to live in the way we do and to enjoy the every-day luxuries we have.

In reading this post, you must have access to a phone or computer, the internet and millions of resources, all at your fingertips — It’s easy to forget, it hasn’t always been this way.

Be grateful for everything you have.

#4 Not All That Shines Is Gold, nor All That Glows Is Silver

I interpret this as being guarded against anything that seems too good to be true. In England, we have a saying,

“If it’s too good to be true, it probably is”.

I imagine they mean roughly the same thing. It’s so easy to get caught up in gimmicks and the pull of the ‘easy life’. The fact is, if something is worth having, it probably won’t be a comfortable ride.

If it looks like it’s going to be, tread with caution.

#5 Better a Bitter Truth, than a Sweet Lie

As Brits, we’re not great at giving bad news, but sometimes brutal honesty saves a lot of heartaches further down the line. Of course, there are ways to frame it, but we always benefit more from the truth in the long run.

It might hurt at first, but hearing news for what it really is allows you to prepare appropriately. If we’re ready, we can make the best of even the harshest situations.

#6 A Tree Is Climbed from Its Base

You have to start somewhere, and quite often, you have to start from the bottom. There’s no shame in that. Even the people we admire most were at the bottom rung of the ladder once. Take faith in that.

Whatever challenge you face, the most important thing is to make a start.

#7 A Barking Dog, Does Not Bite

For me this could mean one of two things, either, if you’re talking, you’re not walking. To make an impact, we need to get our head down and focus.

Alternatively, it could be closer to our’ sticks and stones’.

Try not to let words upset you. It isn’t always easy, but when we live in a world of ‘trolls’, it’s essential.

People can be quick to send abuse your way when a laptop screen shields them, and unfortunately, the reality is, we’ll probably never stop it from happening.

We shouldn’t have to, but it seems for the time being at least, we will have to accept it for what it is — words on a screen.

Without stopping the abuse altogether, the next best thing we can do is not to pay too much attention to the negativity.

#8 No One Can Climb a Tree with No Branches

In England anyway, we don’t like to ask for help. For some, it’s a sign of weakness. It’s ridiculous.

Platforms such as Instagram like to suggest that the journey to success is easy. It’s not.

What’s more, no one has ever reached the top without the support, guidance and inspiration from a mentor or group of people working with them. So don’t try.

If you’re unsure of something, ask for help. If someone is better qualified for a task than you, ask for guidance.

#9 Do It Today; Tomorrow It Might Be Forbidden!

It’s about living in the moment. If you want to order the double choc cheesecake, go ahead!

#10 After the Rain Is Fine Weather

At some point, we will all go through a period in our life where everything seems to go wrong. It could be work, money, your relationships or all three; it doesn’t matter.

Whatever you do and however hard you try to stay positive, the world seems to have a way of presenting challenges at the worst possible times. It can be relentless but take comfort in knowing that this period will pass. It won’t always feel like it, but it will. It always does.

Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

The World Happiness Report

The World Happiness Report is released by the WHO (World Happiness Organisation) every March.

The report ranks 156 countries, not by the number of people per one million who walk around with a great big smile on their face, but from metrics including GDP per Capita, Social Support, Healthy Life Expectancy, Freedom of Choice, Generosity and Perceptions of Corruption.

It’s not perfect, but to come out on top takes some going.

The Takeaway

Whether you agree with the outcome or not, it goes without saying to be considered the happiest country in the world three times in a row would suggest there’s something worth exploring.

There are probably thousands more common proverbs in Finland, but these were a selection of my favourites.

For me, they’re all good, positive life lessons to keep in the back of our minds. I hope they resonate with you in the same way.

As a reminder, they were:

  • One Sleeps like One Makes His Bed
  • One Cannot Ski so Softly That the Tracks Can’t Be Seen
  • A Tiny Morsel Is a Feast for the Starving Man
  • Not All That Shines Is Gold, nor All That Glows Is Silver
  • Better a Bitter Truth, than a Sweet Lie
  • A Tree Is Climbed from Its Base
  • A Barking Dog, Does Not Bite
  • No One Can Climb a Tree with No Branches
  • Do It Today; Tomorrow It Might Be Forbidden!
  • After the Rain Is Fine Weather

Thanks for reading,

— Dave

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Dave Sellar

A Virgo with a life long love of learning and personal development. Here to write about thoughts, ideas and anything else that has been keeping me up at night!