The Lucky Fish (Part 2)

Be Careful Where You Fish, Something Evil Waits to be Caught

Dave Puckett
7 min readDec 5, 2023
A creepy lake where Jim’s and his family live.
Spooky Lake created by me in the Night Cafe.

His heart pounded quickly, and Jim could hardly catch his breath; he fumbled for a few seconds, thinking: “It’s coming after me.” he finally started the motor, forgetting about the fish and his fishing rod.

Looking over his shoulder every 10 seconds or so, dripping wet, shivering, and covered with goosebumps, Jim speeds his boat back home as fast as he can.

As he approached the pier and killed the engine, “I can’t wake them up,” he thinks.

“What would I tell them?” “That some thing at the bottom of the lake attacked me, and it wasn’t a fish”.

“They’ll never believe me” — and I won’t be allowed to fish after midnight again.”

As Jim entered the house, his family was still sleeping. Teeth chattering, body shaking, and trying to make sense of what happened, all he wanted to do was collapse in his bed.

Waking up a little past 9 am is a little later than usual for Jim on Saturday mornings, but his Mom and Dad knew he had gone fishing late last night, so they let him sleep.

Jim slips on his white canvas, rubber-soled deck shoes with no socks, as



Dave Puckett

I'm a blogger and writer who loves to read fiction and non-fiction. I'll be Writing about — Grateful Living, Blogging, Online Learning, and Physical Wellness.