David contemplating a script, wild acres

Wanna Know What I Think?

Things I’ve learned in these few short years…

2 min readJun 25, 2013


Here is my list of a few things you can ALWAYS (hopefully) count on:

  • The unconditional LOVE of family…and a dog;
  • The fact that whatever you throw up in the air will always come down–gravity, like karma, has a way of equalizing reality;
  • There is little that can deter a completely DRIVEN SPIRIT, be it love, hatred, utopia or anarchy, as shear determination;
  • There’s nothing quite as comforting as the love of a HAPPY woman–nor, as miserable as suffocation from an unhappy one;
  • MONEY has a unique way of changing people–good, bad or indifferent, the more you have the more energy you bring around you-be sure it’s genuine;
  • AUTHENTICITY is a precarious and often maligned characteristic–you can hide behind the word, but your actions will eventually reflect a different story;
  • Genuine FRIENDSHIP is not as easy to find as we originally thought–people can confess one with their mouths, yet display another that leaves one feeling empty;
  • FORGIVENESS and GRACE are two lost arts–we should practice them more, or else suffer the painful consequences when our “charm has expired”;
  • LAUGHTER really is the best medicine;
  • SEX can be a bond, a toy, a lie, or a joy–we should be more careful with it;
  • The GRASS is rarely greener on that other side–it just looks that way because we’ve become too comfortable, or too lazy, tending to it on THIS side of the fence;
  • CREATIVITY is the greatest gift, besides love, that I am most thankful for–it’s power to enhance, entertain, educate, enlighten, enrage, excite and envelope is powerfully intoxicating, wonderfully fulfilling and, while not always without consequence, isalways…magnificently enriching.

How about YOU?

